发布时间:2022-05-02 18:39
时间:2022-06-21 06:42
Fuck的用法2007-05-12 13:541. 表示强调
f u c k这个词经常用来表示强调,尤其这个词后面加ing变成形容词后,简直是天下无敌万能万用,*in’(f u c k i n g的简写)除了可以修饰一切名词外,更奇妙的是,这个形容词还可以修饰其他形容词哦!
It’s *in’ good ! 太棒拉!(真*棒!)
You are *in’ beautiful! 你太漂亮拉!
2. 表示不满
Open this *in’ door! 把这个见鬼的门打开!
I hate this *in’ book! 我讨厌这本烂书!
3. 特殊用法:
(1) Holy shit!
这个可不是“神圣的屎”,这个的意思是“哇噻!”“哇!”的意思。比如说你一回家看到屋子里坐了一屋子PLMM(或者帅GG), 你就可以用很爽的语调大喊一声:Holy shit!
Oh! Boy!
Holy cow!(以前我上课问学生,学生居然说这个的意思是神牛~汗……)
(2)Big shit
我其实自己也不确定是不是所有的美国人都这样说,但是我的一个老外朋友曾经跟我说过这个是他们的一个惯用语,就好象我们中国人说司机技术不好是“二把刀”、说厨师叫“掂大勺”一样的感觉,甚至不能算是口语,谁如果知道big shit是不是确定所有的美国人都可以用,一定要来告诉我哦~
其实这种还算好的,大小还是个词组,现在外国的年轻人都会自己造词出来用,比较有代表性的是“fugly”,不认识吧?查字典也没有用,因为字典里也没有~这个的意思是“非常丑陋”,为什么是这样捏?它就是来自词组:*in’ ugly,有人说我靠!这也行?!当然行啊!我们中文里不是也有“巨丑”、“爆丑”这些说法嘛!词典里还不是一样没有?
还有很多用法以后有机会说拉!偶要去吃饭拉!总之大家要知道这些用法,不过不是叫你去用~!而是防止产生误会!不然以后老外对说:You are *in’ cool! (你真酷!),你大怒然后回一句:F U C K YOU! 那就糗大了拉
时间:2022-06-21 06:43
时间:2022-06-21 06:43
时间:2022-06-21 06:44
Barks the dog not to nip person, the dog although to did not know the person is very ominous, but also must divide the situation, may attack in own domain to the enemy, has the time which the visitor comes, the master family's dog can bark. But, once the dog left the main house gate, arrived on the main road not to dare to the enemy to be dissolute, because the main road certainly was not its domain, did not have the superiority to be possible to occupy, has not won assurance. If in is not in own domain also the dog which barks to the others is has not been tactful, such dog is not the good dog. But remembered that, indeed is the dog which cries out is does not nip the person, it only is for oneself the strong guts, most hateful is silent the dog, suddenly attacks nips, that is most fearful. Does not obstruct the road about the good dog that sentence, I felt this saying is pure is 无稽 the formulation, is certainly unreliable, my family's infant is not very pure, hi, but others rest, must occupy a rest, actually only is the custom, certainly is not other reasons, hadn't the good dog really on in the roadside nobody attention quoin rest, I in any case looked has been to the up to ten thousand Yuan dogs 垃圾筒 side to rest in some, simply is not that reason. Is only its some custom.
时间:2022-06-21 06:44
Causes by the peasant family proverb: The good dog does not block theway, the vicious dog often covers the road; Barks the dog not to nipthe person, nips the person not to need to call.
Barks the dog not to nip person, the dog although to did not know theperson is very ominous, but also must divide the situation, may attackin own domain to the enemy, has the time which the visitor comes, themaster family's dog can bark. But, once the dog left the main housegate, arrived on the main road not to dare to the enemy to bedissolute, because the main road certainly was not its domain, did nothave the superiority to be possible to occupy, has not won assurance.If in is not in own domain also the dog which barks to the others ishas not been tactful, such dog is not the good dog. But rememberedthat, indeed is the dog which cries out is does not nip the person, itonly is for oneself the strong guts, most hateful is silent the dog,suddenly attacks nips, that is most fearful.
Does not obstruct the road about the good dog that sentence, I feltthis saying is pure is 无稽 the formulation, is certainlyunreliable, my family's infant is not very pure, hi, but others rest,must occupy a rest, actually only is the custom, certainly is notother reasons, hadn't the good dog really on in the roadside nobodyattention quoin rest, I in any case looked has been to the up to tenthousand Yuan dogs 垃圾筒 side to rest in some, simply is not thatreason. Is only its some custom.
This is reason.