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,a happy experience为题,写一篇70左右短文,介绍你们的活动情况和感受...

发布网友 发布时间:2023-12-30 11:20



热心网友 时间:2024-10-06 03:32

Yesterday,I went my hometown——Deng Feng!I felt very excited!First,we went to "Ying Xian Ge",I climbed it , I felt very tired! Then we went to "Xiao Yao Ge "to have lunch ~
In the afternoon ,we went to"Lu Ya Pu Bu", I have been there many times,but today,I felt happy and excited
Because ,1.I caught a crab~It's so cute~2.I met an English! Because my mother can speak English very well,so we asked her to have a rest ,we talked a lot ,she has been in China for two and half years ,she always livesin Hang Zhou , now is traling all of the world ,we knew her name is Christine Miller~Then I asked her to take photos with me and my brother ,she said she does.
Then,we back home , on the way,we invited her to go with us ,she is happy ! So we had dinner together! I felt so excited~She is very fun ,but,she has no child.(I don't know why).So I thought it's really a happy experience! How do you think of it?

热心网友 时间:2024-10-06 03:32

Yesterday,I went my hometown——Deng Feng!I felt very excited!First,we went to "Ying Xian Ge",I climbed it , I felt very tired! Then we went to "Xiao Yao Ge "to have lunch ~
In the afternoon ,we went to"Lu Ya Pu Bu", I have been there many times,but today,I felt happy and excited
Because ,1.I caught a crab~It's so cute~2.I met an English! Because my mother can speak English very well,so we asked her to have a rest ,we talked a lot ,she has been in China for two and half years ,she always livesin Hang Zhou , now is traling all of the world ,we knew her name is Christine Miller~Then I asked her to take photos with me and my brother ,she said she does.
Then,we back home , on the way,we invited her to go with us ,she is happy ! So we had dinner together! I felt so excited~She is very fun ,but,she has no child.(I don't know why).So I thought it's really a happy experience! How do you think of it?
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