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...歌词一直重复we have joy we have fine的,或是后街的

发布网友 发布时间:2023-12-25 21:45



热心网友 时间:2024-08-03 11:06

中文是:阳光季节 英文是:season in the sun
  goodbye to you my trusted friend
  we've known each other since we were nine or ten
  together we've climbed hills and trees
  learned of love and a-b-c`s
  skinned our hearts and skinned our knees
  goodbye my friend it's hard to die
  when all the birds are singing in the sky
  now that the spring is in the air
  pretty girls are every where
  think of me and i'll be there

  we had joy we had fun
  we had seasons in the sun
  but the hills that we climb
  were just seasons out of time

  goodbye papa please pray for me
  i was the black sheep of the family
  you tried to teach me right from wrong
  too much wine and too much song
  wonder how i got along
  goodbye papa it's hard to die
  when all the birds are singing in the sky
  now that the spring is in the air
  little children every where
  when you'll see them i'll be there

  we had joy we had fun
  we had seasons in the sun
  but the wild and the song
  like the season has all gone

  we had joy we had fun
  we had seasons in the sun
  but the wild and the song
  like the season has all gone

  goodbye michelle my little one
  you gave me love and helped me find the sun
  and every time that i was down
  you would always come around
  and get my feet back on the ground
  goodbye michelle it's hard to die
  when all the birds are singing in the sky
  now that the spring is in the air
  with the flowers every where
  i wish that we could both be there

  we had joy we had fun
  we had seasons in the sun
  but the wild and the song
  like the season has all gone

  we had joy we had fun
  we had seasons in the sun
  but the wild and the song
  like the season has all gone

  we had joy we had fun
  we had seasons in the sun
  but the wild and the song
  like the season has all gone

  we had joy we had fun
  we had seasons in the sun
  but the wild and the song
  like the season has all gone

热心网友 时间:2024-08-03 11:10

应该是后街的let s have a party
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