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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-03 00:26



热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 17:38

On the Strategies of Improving the Quality of Service of the Hotel Rooms in Lijingwan Hotel

Abstract:To keep an edge in the fierce competition nowadays,our best countermeasure is to ensure and improve the quality of service of hotel rooms.This requires the joint effort of all the staff in the hotel.We need to improve our quality of service and increase customer satisfaction so as to enhance our competitiveness.This essay is written to analyse drawbacks such as aging and unwieldy equipments,low efficiency of some room attendants,unskilled service,lack of service-minded attitude,bad service of particular attendants, and deficiency of overall administration and lack of communication with employees of some managers in Beijing Lijingwan International Hotel,which is based on the survey of the customer satisfaction about the room service and staff satisfation about their department.At last,suggestions like completing the maintenance system of equipments,enhancing the overall capability of attendants and managers and strengthening communication between managers and employees are made to increase the quality of service and customer satisfaction.

Key word:hotel room, quality of room service,customer satisfaction

热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 17:38

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