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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-21 00:10



热心网友 时间:2023-07-05 00:41

[勇敢的心英文观后感]Let us recall again the side to see the long process of history, how to create heroes, you will find from our own side, a life .There is a direct their shadow. First, the inheritance of childhood Wallace is not natural endowment from the hero, at best, is the future generations of civilians, although his father had led a The small protest, as compared to his later, many of immature, unsuccessful factor. His father was then the representative of the civilian population, he uprising, power lies not in its own class on free awareness and evaluation. Some Sense, he is in the conspiracy of hate and who are loyal to the feudal lords of the country against the conviction, not even defeat Opponents of intent, only to let him know that tyrant, civilians also have the courage to fight. England foot-long expansion annexation to the Scottish territorial ambitions, cloth snared all participants in the peace negotiation of the assassination of the Scottish your People, young retainers were not spared. With tears in his eyes. He finally knows what death is, it is meant losing familiar with the cordial, no longer has sufficient warmth. The film, his uncle put on his chin, said the sentence: "You truth your mother." The meaning of this statement is not as simple as literally, is only the appearance he sighs, only the sense of loneliness and fear Steep The Wallace declare: We are a, you still have to rely on close relatives.It was at that time Wallace explanation: He is one of the sentimental and weak heart.His uncle was a wise man, his brother died more than understanding the purpose and significance of protest. He has to learn Latin Wallace, Tell Wallace, learn how to use weapons, must first learn how to use the brain is more important to God through Latin understand where -- The truth was given to the people free. Young Wallace, of course, not completely understand this, he also constantly immersed in the native land of lost loved ones and seek grief Lane. In the dream his father and dialogue, his father said to him: "Heart is not detention, have the courage to pursue!" This undoubtedly is Health The earliest meaning of life Enlightenment. Wallace\'s uncle with his travels in Europe, he grew up in the maturity only after it will inherit from two ancestors on the Po Your legacy: good sense and courage, with his search for life from the free.Second, the aspirations of lifeOthers audience to participate in the wedding and let him do not realize that, in his country under the rule of the transient beauty, never impossible Emerging from the shadow of torn. No girl could escape long legs invention of the power with the intention of attracting domestic and nobles in Scotland reassuring presence on the land development. Such a person may be deprived of Road privileges, no doubt makes a deeper civilians heavy oppression. White bride no time to put her husband\'s embrace, it was rushed to the suppression of the British aristocracy. The groom in anger in the anti-intent Anti immediately by the sword on the neck-coercive. Bride inner scales choose his life, it Fukai swords hand, The ears of language, the wife finally let the vicious power by force, was forced to enre the pain of killing beloved cutter cut. At such times, the personal anger and resistance are so insignificant.
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