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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-05 02:58



热心网友 时间:2023-05-02 07:14


The school certificate

This is to certify that student XXX, female, student number XXX. 

This student has been enrolled in the four-year undergraate study of X major in X department of our college since September 2012, and is now a first-year student. 

The summer vacation of 2012-2013 academic year of our college is July 6, 2013 solstice September 7, 2013.

Hereby certify



1、在校be at school

2、证明prove; testify; attest; certify

3、学生student; pupil; disciple; follower; scholastic

4、学号Student ID

5、本科undergraate course; regular college course

6、学习study; learn; emulate; learning

7、一年级first grade

8、学年school year; academic year

9、暑假summer vacation; summer holidays

10、特此证明hereby to certify

热心网友 时间:2023-05-02 07:14

May 1, 2013(此处应打上开立证明的日期)

Certificate of An Enrolled Student ('证明'一词应为:certificate)

This is to certify that Miss XXX, female, Student ID No. XXXXXX, enrolled in September 2012, is the first-year student of her four-year Bachelor Degree Program of XXXXXX major, the Department of XXXXX of our College.
The college will take its summer vocation from July 6 to Sept. 7.

The Office of the XXXXXX Collge(落款处为‘ 学院办公室’ ,并应加盖学院公章!)


热心网友 时间:2023-05-02 07:15

To Whom It May Concern

Letter of Certification

This is to certify that Miss XXX, school number xxxxxxx, is presently a freshman in our college (或 university); she was enrolled in September 2012 into our Department of XX majoring in XXX for a four-year undergraate course. Our school's summer holidays of 2012-2013 will be from 6th July to 7th September 2013.

The Principal,
xxxxx College


热心网友 时间:2023-05-02 07:16

This is to certify that XXX, (fe)male, born on Sep. 20, 1986, student ID 04830514, has been studying computer science and technology (applied computer) in XXX College, XXX University since September, 2004. Her major lasts for 4 years and she is a student of the 8th semester of year 4. If she can finish the rest of her last semester and get the relevant scores, she will graate in June, 2008. And she will be granted with a bachelor’s degree of science if she can meet all the requirements.

This is to certify!

Kewen College

热心网友 时间:2023-05-02 07:16

Proof of Enrollment

To Whom It May Concern:
XXX (Student Number: XXX) is an enrolled student in her first year of the four-year Bachelor of X degree program at the X School of X at the X University.
XXX entered the full-time program in September 2012.
X University is observing its 2013 summer vacation from July 6 to September 7.

Please feel free to contact our office if you have further questions concerning this student.
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