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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-05 07:16



热心网友 时间:2023-10-14 19:48

My dream is to grow up to become a pianist, so you can go to various countries to play the piano, the wonderful music to everyone. Since then, I have embarked on this path of learning piano. Every time not playing for a long time, my fingers on the practice of red, but I thought: I must insist, to dream and work. By practicing this year, I fully understood, pain no gain, and now I practiced the piano at least more than one hour a day, music score more and more difficult, and sometimes feel a good boring, but once training will be a, will have a strange sense of accomplishment, I was infected with this wonderful sound, intoxicated. I want my dream to work as soon as I persevere, persevere Lianxia Qu, the dream will come true some

热心网友 时间:2023-10-14 19:48

My dream is to grow up to become a pianist, so you can go to various countries to play the piano, the wonderful music to everyone. Since then, I have embarked on this path of learning piano. Every time not playing for a long time, my fingers on the practice of red, but I thought: I must insist, to dream and work. By practicing this year, I fully understood, pain no gain, and now I practiced the piano at least more than one hour a day, music score more and more difficult, and sometimes feel a good boring, but once training will be a, will have a strange sense of accomplishment, I was infected with this wonderful sound, intoxicated. I want my dream to work as soon as I persevere, persevere Lianxia Qu, the dream will come true some
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