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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-21 04:21



热心网友 时间:2022-06-17 23:13


接线:seal line

Dear Ms Joyce,

Please kindly note that I have confimred with our purchase department that we don´t revised any material for this proct, it only has the common white color for this shipment of base which could get the seal line brace evident. But the shipment for last year´s base is ivory color and we will revise the base to ivory color in the future.

Thanks for your early.

Best Regards,

热心网友 时间:2022-06-17 23:14

Dear Ms Joyce,

Please kindly note that I have confimred with our purchase department that we don´t revised any material for this proct, it only has the common white color for this shipment of base which could get the seal line brace evident. But the shipment for last year´s base is ivory color and we will revise the base to ivory color in the future.


热心网友 时间:2022-06-17 23:14

I have confirmed with our plastic department and purchasing department, we didn't change any material on this procts. It's just this batch's bases are common white, which make the wiring pillars more obvious. The last year's procts' bases were ivory. We will change the later procts bases into ivory again.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-17 23:15

I have comfirmed with our plastic department and purchasing department, and they said the material of this proct have never been changed, just because the batch colour of this shipment is pure white which set the wiring pillar off, while the the batch colour of last year's shipment is ivory white, and later we will change the the batch colour into ivory white.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-17 23:16

I have confirmed through plastic department and purchasing department that we didn't change anything of this proct. The only problem is that the bases of this batch of goods are ordinary white, which can foil the pillar of line bank more obviously. The bases we procted last year were ivory white .And we will change the color of the bases into ivory white.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-17 23:16

Dear Ms.Joyce,
I have made confirmation with the Plastic Cement Department and the Purchasing Department that the material of this proct has never been changed. Compared with the batch of delivery last year ,of which the color of the foundation is ivory, the batch of delivery this time has a white foundation, which made the pillar of the wiring row much obvious. But later we will change the color back to ivory.
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