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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-04 19:23



热心网友 时间:2022-06-25 07:19

一、公司概况 Company Survey  常州宇田电气有限公司(常州科泰电子有限公司)成立于1993年,位于中国江苏常州电子科技园,是一个以高新技术为基础进行产品设计、产品生产的科技公司。求实、敬业、进取、高效是公司的精神。经过20年的运行,公司建立了完善和高效的管理*,并于1998年通过ISO9000质量管理体系认证,2009年通过IRIS(国际轨道交通行业标准)认证。Changzhou Yutian Electronics Co., Ltd.(Changzhou Ketai Electronics Co., Ltd.) was established in 1993, it is located in Jiangsu Changzhou Electronics Technology Park and it is one hi-tech-based procts designing and manufacturing company. It boasts the spirit of being realistic, dedicative, enterprising and efficiency. After 20 years’ operation, the company has established perfect and efficient managerial system, it has been awarded ISO9000 QMS certificate in 2008 and IRIS certificate in 2009.
  公司现有生产经营厂房14000平方米,固定资产4500多万元;现有生产流水线五条和200多台套生产检测设备(仪表)与辅助设备。The company now has 14,000 square meters of workshop, its fixed assets hits RMB 45 million yuan; it currently boasts 5 proction assembly lines and over 200 proction testing equipment(device) and auxiliary equipment.
  公司现有职工150人,专业技术人员占职工总人数的45%。全体科技人员兢兢业业,研制开发、生产了几十个新产品,广泛应用于计算机控制技术,军工、铁道、工业自动化和防火灭火等领域,并且出口到多个国家。It now employs 150 employees, in which technicians accounting for 45%. The technicians in the company have been working hard in researching and developing scores of new procts which are widely applied the fields of computer control technology, military, railway, instrial automation and fire protection, etc., and have been exported to a number of countries.  
  公司拥有良好的工作环境和发展平台,欢迎有技术、有创造力的工程技术人员和管理人员加盟我公司。The company has a favorable working environment and development platform, we welcome the technicians and managerial personnel with skills and creative capabilities to join us!
二、产品领域 Proct field  公司主要以高新技术从事电子、电器产品的研制和开发,主要产品为大功率逆变装置、地铁空调系统、机车空调系统、矿山车辆空调系统、电源设备、测量仪器、工业自动化控制设备和防火灭火装置。The main procts of the company are: superpower inverter, metro air conditioning, power equipment, metro air conditioning system, locomotive air-conditioning system, mine vehicle air-conditioning system, measuring apparatus, instrial automation control equipment and fire protection equipment.
  公司的机车空调电源和空调器为铁道部机车重要件定点产品并取得了铁道部定点证书。KLW50A型机车空调器2002年已通过铁道部检测中心制冷量试验、最大运行制冷试验、凝露试验、性能系数、工频耐受电压等试验并取得了铁道部认定资质。机车空调电源和空调器先后在各铁路局内燃、电力机车的新造车及大修车上安装两千多台。近两年,公司研发和生产的内燃机车空调出口到多个国家。The company’s locomotive air-conditioning power and air-conditioner are the major fixed point procts for locomotive parts and have obtained the fixed point certification by Railway Ministry. KLW50A model locomotive air-conditioner has passed the tests of refrigerating output, condensation test, COP, power frequency tolerance voltage by Railway Ministry’s testing center in 2002 and acquired the Recognized Qualification of Railway Ministry. More than 2,000 pieces of locomotive air-conditioning power and air-conditioners have been mounted on the new internal combustion and electric locomotives and overhauled locomotives in various Railway Bureaus. In recent 2 years, the air-conditioners developed and manufactured by the company have been exported to several countries.
  1997年公司自主研发和生产的KT1728系列地铁紧急逆变电源,产品广泛应用于大连轻轨、深圳地铁、上海地铁和沈阳地铁等项目中,深受用户好评。The KT1728 series metro emergency inverter developed and manufactured by the company in 1997 have been extensively applied and favored by the users in the projects of Dalian Light Rail, Shenzhen Metro, Shanghai Metro, Shenyang Metro, etc.
  2008年公司自主研发和生产的150T工矿电力机车用空调系统,目前是国内唯一的生产厂家,在矿山空调技术上处于国内领先地位。至今已在数十多台工矿电力机车上使用,经过多年的使用,深受用户好评。Our company is the self-researcher and only manufacturer in China of 150I mine electric locomotive air-conditioning system, the proct developed by us in 2008 now is in leading position in this filed in China and applied on dozens of mine electric locomotives. The proct has received positive praise by the users after years of application.
  公司自主研发的机车用生活柜电源,用于机车乘务员就餐设备改造项目,可配套提供微波炉、电热水壶和冰箱等机车生活设施。2012年在多个铁路局就餐设备改造项目中,该产品已安装1000多套。The locomotive inverter of life equipment used for upgrading the repast equipment of locomotive attendant is developed by our company, which can provide locomotive life equipment such as microwave oven, electric kettle and refrigerator. In 2012, more than 1000 sets of this proct have been installed by railway administrations of different provinces in the project of upgrading repast equipment.
  公司设计开发的细水雾灭火装置 (专业名称:微水雾滴灭火设备)已于2012年10月通过了*消防产品合格评定中心的产品认证。该产品具有无二次污染绿色环保、灭火效率高、节能用水量少及绝缘等特点,能有效扑灭A类固体物资火灾、B类液体火灾和可熔化的固体物资火灾,可用于计算机房、*控制室、配电房机械设备间、柴油发电机房、厨房及储油间等各种重要消防场所。The water mist fire extinguishing system (major name: Mist water fire protection device) designed and developed by our company has passed the proct certification of the ministry of public security fire proct conformity assessment center in October 2012. This equipment is free of secondary pollution with high extinguishment, low consumption of water and insulation. It can extinguish class A solid material fire, class B fluid fire and meltable solid material fire effectively, so many fire places like computer room, master control room, switch board room and plant room, diesel generator shelter, kitchen, and oil silo home are fitted.
  在未来的发展中,公司将以高新技术作为基础,着重开发高性能、可靠性好的产品,不断提高公司产品的技术水平和社会使用价值,满足用户需求。In future, the company will attach great importance to the development of high-performance and reliable procts based on the high and innovative technology, constantly improve the procts’ technological level and social application value to meet customers’ requirements.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-25 07:20


热心网友 时间:2022-06-25 07:20


热心网友 时间:2022-06-25 07:21


热心网友 时间:2022-06-25 07:21

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