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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-04 19:13



热心网友 时间:2022-06-25 05:54

英语:"Busy for half a month, every night is the morning after rest, finally in the Valentine's Day eve folding 520.And then find a daughter-in-law don't know friends counterfeit courier Id tell her down to take.The hope can give her a surprise on Valentine's day!"
俄语:half a month”Busy for every,即is the morning after rest、finally in the Valentine ' s Day eve folding 520。And then find a daughter - in - law don ' t know friends counterfeit courier down to take Id tell了。The宣传了can give a了surprise on Valentine ' s day !”
法语:«MangHuo moitié mois chaque soir, repos est, après la veille de carcasses comme la fête des amoureux compromis 520. A ensuite trouver une femme ne connaissait pas faux express d’instructeur ont été informée comme la fête des amoureux, ce qui devrait se faire par une surprise!
意大利语:“Il lavoro del ats la metà eccessiva un di mese, dopo che ogni sera tutta sia prima dei resti di alba, infine piega attivamente 520 della vigilia di giorno di valentine.Allora ha chiesto al buon amico che una moglie non ha saputo per fingere la condizione espressa per informarla giù per prendere.La speranza può darla nella sorpresa di giorno di valentine!„

热心网友 时间:2022-06-25 05:55

After half month's hustling, making bed time later than 0 o'clock every night, i finally finished 520 stars' folding before Valentine's Day. Then i will find a buddy my she doesn't know to fake a courier, calling her to take the pacel.Hope this will be a surprise to her on the day!

my she我的那个她,即你媳妇


译文:On Feb.14th,2013, Valentine's Day, 520stars folded with ¥100 banknotes for my wife.



热心网友 时间:2022-06-25 05:55

I had stayed up till 0:00 o'clock everyday almost a half month and finished the work of folding star before the Valentine's day.Then I disguise a friend who my girlfriend doesn't know as a postman to inform her there is a postal matter.I wish it could be a big surprise to her.

Get busy living half a month, every night is all morning after a rest, and finally, on the eve of valentine's day after a 520 fold. And then find a daughter-in-law don't know friends fake express identity notify her down and take a. The hope can be in valentine's day to give her a surprise

热心网友 时间:2022-06-25 05:56

On Feb.14th,2013, Valentine's Day, A man folded 520 love with ¥100 banknotes for his wife. He
said: “ For the past two weeks and more, I have been working hard and sitting
up late every night making the 520 pieces of love. As he completed the task before the
Valentine’s Eve, he asked one of his good friends, whom his wife does not know
by face, to masquerade as a courier and inform her to come downstairs for
picking up the parcel. His wish is just to give her a surprise on theValentine’s Day.”

热心网友 时间:2022-06-25 05:56

For the past two weeks and more, I have been working hard and sitting up late every night making the 520 pieces of [520颗什么?]. As I completed the task before the Valentine’s Eve, I asked one of my good friends, whom my wife does not know by face, to masquerade as a courier and inform her to come downstairs for picking up the parcel. My wish is just to give her a surprise on the Valentine’s Day.
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