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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-04 15:30



热心网友 时间:2022-06-23 16:38

I the reason that participate in this test am because: 1st, this test has manifested publicly, fair, the equality, the competition, according to qualification principle; 2nd, displayed the talent for the outstanding staff to provide a broad platform; 3rd, is exercises oneself, enhances own one way; 4th, carries on the good opportunity with other company staffs which exchanges mutually.Therefore participates in this test is the oneself extremely big harvest.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-23 16:39

there are four reasons why i took this exam: 1,this exam reflected the principle of open, fair, equal, competance and preferencial;2, the exam provided a wide platform to the excellent staff to show their talent; 3, the exam is a way to steel and improve oneself; 4, the exam is a good opportunity to exchange ideas with staff from other companies. therefore, it is a great harvest to take this exam for myself. thank you!

热心网友 时间:2022-06-23 16:39

The reason why I will take part in the examination is that it reflects the principles of open, justice, equality, competing and preference, that offers a wide platform for excellent staff to put talents good to use, that it is a approach to build up and improve myself, that is has a good chance to communicate with the staff in other companies. So taking part in the examination is my greatest results/harvest.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-23 16:40

I take part in this exam for these reasons :first,it incarnate the principle of publicity
justness egality competition and selectivity .second it provide a broad platform for the irst-class members to display their ability third it is a approch to anneal and improve myself and the last it's a good chance to conmmunicate with other groups'members
In my view it's a rather big reap for participanting this test
Thank you.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-23 16:40

The reason I take part in this test:
1. it reflects the principle of open, fairness, equality, priority;
2. provide a broad stage for excellent staff to use their talent;
3. a way to practise and improve myself;
4. a good chance to communicate with people from other companies.
So get involved in this test is a big harvest for me. Thanks!


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