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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-04 23:04



热心网友 时间:2022-06-26 22:43

The sound launch source positioning system is composed of the sound launch source framing signal gathering processing electric circuit and the sound launch source framing signal gathering processing software, this article main introction software platform's development, the software uses VB6.0 to take the development environment, mainly controls using VB bringing MSComm to realize the computer and monolithic integrated circuit's serial port correspondence, designs the software contact surface may the sound launch source signal which gathers to the sound launch source framing signal gathering processing electric circuit carry on the demonstration and processing, and writes software's localization algorithm according to the localization principle, software's localization algorithm has the time difference revision function, may based on this revise the error which the experimental condition proces, thus further increases the pointing accuracy. Then by the data computation which gathers makes noise through the localization algorithm the launch source positional information. Finally through system debugging and experimental verification plan feasibility.
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