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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-21 02:32



热心网友 时间:2022-06-17 09:35


I like collecting those worthless things such as a spart part and a broken wheelchair, etc. I've always been thinking that one day I can use these things to make something like a car and drive it around the world with my dogs and cks. It sounds crazy, but I really think so, and I'm sure that this dream will come true.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-17 09:36

I like to collect those defective infants and small parts to a large wheelchair to a costly, and so on. I always thought that one day I can use these things to create a car similar to the same things, driving it with my dog cks are traveling around the world. This sounds crazy, but I really think so, and I firmly believe that this wish will be realized.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-17 09:36

I like to collect those ragged sons, small arrive a spare parts, arrive a wheel chair etc. for costing money greatly.I always can make 1 to is similar to in the car similar thing with these things at thinking one day me, the dog which opens it to take me still has ck to swim world for week.This sounds some madness, however I really think like this of, and my believing firmly this wishes will carry out.

I like to collect those defective infants and small parts to a large wheelchair to a costly, and so on. I always thought that one day I can use these things to create a car similar to the same things, driving it with my dog cks are traveling around the world. This sounds crazy, but I really think so, and I firmly believe that this wish will be realized.


热心网友 时间:2022-06-17 09:37

I love collecting garbage, including something small as gadgets and large as a costly wheel chair, et cetra.(这里我中文都看不懂,什么叫"破费的轮椅",不过还是译了) I have never stopped hoping to use them to make something like a car and travel around the world with my dogs and cks. It sounds crazy, but I really mean it, and I firmly believe that it will come true.
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