发布时间:2023-11-22 15:34
时间:2024-12-11 19:00
我是点亮的老学员了,现在英语专业硕士研究生毕业,目前从事着理想的职业。在此我想说几句真心话,因为网上贴吧里有很多关于点亮的传闻和成见(这也许从侧面说明点亮受到了广泛关注,没有哪个教育机构在发展过程中不被嘲笑否定、贴标签的,一晃几年过去了,点亮一直在路上,我见证了它的成长,很欣慰)。其实,如果你对英语没兴趣,且不知学好英语要从和入手,也许你可以考虑参加点亮英语,在那里也许你能找到你的*,唤醒你的潜能,在那里,你可以重塑你的人生态度,激发你在一大群观众前用英语表达的信心。我就是枚活生生的例子,现在的工作和英语息息相关,可是在参加点亮前我很难想象在外国同事和国际友人面前无拘无束地说英语表达思想。倘若你对英语兴趣浓厚,目前在做诸如托福、雅思、西方管理学硕士英语考试之类的准备,我建议你去新东方北京总部强化,那里的老师在题型讲解,应试策略辅导方面很资深。至于价格,前者(点亮)的集训大概是¥9,800, 后者(新东方)大约是¥20,000,不含食宿。两个机构我都参加过,所以我认为我有话语权。希望我的回答能帮助到你,哪怕只是些许的帮助。
I am an old student of Light English, and I've attained my master degree already and at present, I am doing my ideal job. Here, I want to reveal some truth about LE, since there are a bunch of rumors and prejudiced notions about LE seen in posters online, which on the opposite proves LE is under limelight. Since there's no such an ecation organization in the process of growth could bypass being mocked and labeled. I really feel assured to see LE is always on its way toward its target. Actually, were you not interested in the English language study, and find yourself in the middle of nowhere to learn English well, perhaps you can access your passion and potentiality in LE, which is a good place to reshape your life attitude and motivate your confidence to speak your mind and express yourself in the face of a large audience. I'm a live example, I'm doing a job highly related to the English language, I could hardly imagine myself freely speaking English in front of international collegues and friends before. However, if you hold a strong interest in English and your Pre-exam preparations for study abroad, like IELTS, TOFEL or GMAT are underway, I suggest you attend New Orient, Beijing headquarter, the teachers there are of rich experience in teaching test patterns and test-coping strategies. With regard to the price, the former's intensive traing courses on oral English and speech delivery are about ¥9,800, the latter's one-on-one VIP courses charge about ¥20,000, meals and rooms excluded. I have attended both of them, so I may safely put I have the voice to speak. I hope my reply would help you a little bit.
时间:2024-12-11 19:00
时间:2024-12-11 19:01
时间:2024-12-11 19:01
给你推荐一款软件,我家孩子也初二,通过该软件可以比较轻松学习英语,学习过程也不枯燥,罗塞塔石碑 罗塞塔石碑(Rosetta Stone,也译作罗塞达碑),外语学习软件,如果你的计算机水平可以,可以在网络下载免费的,如果找不到免费的,可以到淘宝买,也就10元一套.祝你早日学好英语.
时间:2024-12-11 19:02