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发布网友 发布时间:2023-11-18 05:35



热心网友 时间:2024-12-08 14:37



热心网友 时间:2024-12-08 14:37

库存类型有:公司库存、供应商寄售库存、寄存在客户的库存、供给供应商/分包商的库存、按业 务分配的销售订单库存与项目库存。 库存状态有:非*库存、质检库存、冻结库存、退货库存、转移中的库存、在运库存、*使 用的库存。

热心网友 时间:2024-12-08 14:38

SAP online help 中如是说,没有用过,体会不深! stock types ------------------------------------------ 1 Total valuated stock Sum of all valuated stocks of a material. It consists of all the types of stock your company owns. 2 Unrestricted-use stock Company's own stock that is physically located in the warehouse, valuated, and not subject to any kind of usage restrictions. 3 quality inspection stock Company's own stock that is in quality inspection. Stock in quality inspection is valuated but does not count as unrestricted-use stock. For MRP, it is either available or not available, depending on how the system is set. 4 Blocked stock Company's own stock that should not be used. It does not count as unrestricted-use stock for Inventory Management and is usually not available for MRP. 5 Restricted-use stock Valuated stock of a material managed in batches held by a company (and belonging to that company), usage of which is subject to certain restrictions. This category of stock is only used when batch status management is active. 6 Blocked stock returns Stock that was returned by the customer and conditionally accepted. It is neither valuated nor does it count as unrestricted-use stock. 7 stock in transfer Quantity that was already withdrawn from stock at the issuing location (plant, storage location) ring a two-step stock transfer but that has not yet arrived at the receiving location (plant, storage location). Stock in transfer is managed in the valuated stock of the receiving location, but it does not yet count as unrestricted-use stock. 8 Stock in transit Stock in transfer that is created in the case of a stock transfer via a stock transport order. Other Stocks ------------------------------------ In addidtion to the stock types that are managed in the material master record, the system can display the following stocks (see section Inventory Management Information ). The following list contains various examples of these dynamically calculated stocks: 1 Available stock Dynamic stock that is calculated by MRP (with respect to the time axis) taking any receipts, issues, the current available stocks into account. Which requirements, receipts, and issues are included in the availability check is defined in the Customizing system. 2 Reserved stock Sum of all quantities of a material that are reserved for withdrawal. Reserved stock is usually not available from the point of view of MRP, but for Inventory Management it still counts as unrestricted-use stock. 3 Planned receipts Sum of all quantities whose receipt has been planned with reservations. Planned receipts are usually already available from the point of view of MRP, but for Inventory Management they do not yet count as unrestricted-use stock. 4 Open PO quantity (total) Sum of all outstanding PO quantities for a material. The open PO quantity usually increases available stock in MRP, but it does not increase unrestricted-use stock in Inventory Management. 5 Open order quantity (total) Sum of all outstanding order quantities for a material. The open order quantity usually increases available stock in MRP, but it does not increase unrestricted-use stock in Inventory Management 6 Goods receipt blocked stock Sum of all quantities of a material that were delivered by vendors for purchase orders and that have been conditionally accepted. GR blocked stock is neither valuated nor does it count as unrestricted-use 7 Stock scheled for delivery Sum of all current deliveries to customers for which goods issues have not yet been posted. Like reserved stock, stock scheled for delivery is usually not available from the point of view of MRP, but it counts as unrestricted-use stock for Inventory Management.

热心网友 时间:2024-12-08 14:38

是库存的两个不同属性,如颜色与尺寸可以用来描述同一个物料,这里的库存类型可分为寄售、自 有,库存状态分为:非*、冻结、质检。

热心网友 时间:2024-12-08 14:39

在MMBE中就可以看到了 输入Material, Plant Execute 双击有Plant的地方就可以了"" 但有好多都是不使用的! Stock type ------------------ Unrestricted use Qual. inspection Returns Open order qty Consgt ordered Reserved Stck trans.(plnt) Transfer (SLoc) Consgt unrestr. Consgt qual.insp. GR blocked stock Cust. inquiries ... ...
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