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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-02 10:02



热心网友 时间:2022-06-19 03:34

Evergreen equipment co., LTD. Is a sino-us joint venture company, with annual proction capacity of 1000 sets of proction equipment. The company design and manufacture procts according to international standards, in the domestic leading position; Procts are sold well all over the country, and exported to the Middle East, Ukraine, etc. Our company's procts complete specifications, wide variety; Procts use safe, reliable performance, low noise, less energy consumption. The company attaches great importance to scientific and technological progress, and constantly update the new proct development, so the company's procts favored by customers at home and abroad.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-19 03:34

Evergreen Equipment Co., Ltd. is a Sino US joint venture company, with annual proction of 1000 sets of equipment proction capacity. The company's procts according to international standards of design and manufacture, in the domestic leading position; the best-selling procts, and exported to the Middle East, Ukraine and other places. The company's complete proct specifications, variety; proct is safe to use, reliable performance, low noise, low energy consumption. The company attaches great importance to scientific and technological progress, and constantly develop new procts, so our procts favored by users at home and abroad.
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