发布时间:2022-05-02 09:45
时间:2022-05-02 11:14
楼主可以参考一下,记得在my.ini 文件里配置event_scheler=on
-- 得到按月分区的日期值
delimiter ;
drop function if exists fnGetPartitionDateForMonth;
delimiter ;;
create function fnGetPartitionDateForMonth() returns INT
declare v_today datetime default date_add(now(), INTERVAL 2 month);
return year(v_today) * 100 + month(v_today);
-- 得到按季度分区的日期值
delimiter ;
drop function if exists fnGetPartitionDateForQuarter;
delimiter ;;
create function fnGetPartitionDateForQuarter() returns int
declare v_today datetime default date_add(now(), interval 3 month);
declare v_month int;
set v_month = month(v_today);
if v_month = 1 or v_month = 2 or v_month = 3 then
set v_today = DATE_ADD(v_today, INTERVAL (4 - v_month) month);
elseif v_month = 4 or v_month = 5 or v_month = 6 THEN
set v_today = DATE_ADD(v_today, INTERVAL (7 - v_month) month);
elseif v_month = 7 or v_month = 8 or v_month = 9 THEN
set v_today = date_add(v_today, INTERVAL (10 - v_month) month);
set v_today = date_add(v_today, INTERVAL (13 - v_month) month);
end if;
return year(v_today) * 100 + month(v_today);
-- 得到按半年分区的日期值
delimiter ;
drop function if exists fnGetPartitionDateForHalfYear;
delimiter ;;
create function fnGetPartitionDateForHalfYear() returns int
declare v_today datetime default date_add(now(), interval 6 month);
declare v_month int;
set v_month = month(v_today);
if v_month <= 6 THEN
set v_today = date_add(v_today, INTERVAL (7 - v_month) month);
set v_today = DATE_ADD(v_today, INTERVAL (13 - v_month) month);
end if;
return year(v_today) * 100 + month(v_today);
-- 维护按年分区
delimiter ;
drop function if exists fnGetPartitionDateForYear;
delimiter ;;
create function fnGetPartitionDateForYear() returns int
declare v_today datetime default date_add(now(), INTERVAL 2 year);
return year(v_today) * 100;
delimiter ;
drop procere if exists spMaintainPartitions;
delimiter ;;
create procere spMaintainPartitions()
declare v_sql varchar(2000);
declare v_cnt int;
declare v_deviceTypeId int;
declare v_tablename varchar(50);
declare v_tablename_analog varchar(50);
declare v_tablename_digital varchar(50);
declare v_partitionType int;
declare v_fileDir varchar(1000);
declare v_tablenames varchar(1000) default '';
declare v_intDate int;
declare v_partitionName varchar(100);
declare done int default 0;
declare c_deviceType cursor
for select Id, TableName, PartitionType, DataFileDir
from tbDeviceType
where Generated = 1;
declare continue handler for not found set done = 1;
insert into tbPartitionMaintainLog(`CreatedDateTime`, `LogContent`)
Values(Now(), 'spMaintainPartitions start......');
open c_deviceType;
deviceType_loop: LOOP
fetch c_deviceType into v_deviceTypeId, v_tablename, v_partitionType, v_fileDir;
set v_fileDir = replace(v_fileDir, '\\', '/');
if locate(':', v_fileDir) > 0 and locate(':/', v_fileDir) = 0 then
set v_fileDir = replace(v_fileDir, ':', ':/');
end if;
if done = 1 then
leave deviceType_loop;
end if;
set v_intDate = null;
if v_partitionType = 1 then
set v_intDate = fnGetPartitionDateForMonth();
ELSEIF v_partitionType = 2 THEN
set v_intDate = fnGetPartitionDateForQuarter();
ELSEIF v_partitionType = 3 then
set v_intDate = fnGetPartitionDateForHalfYear();
elseif v_partitionType = 4 then
set v_intDate = fnGetPartitionDateForYear();
end if;
if v_intDate is null then
insert into tbPartitionMaintainLog(`CreatedDateTime`, `LogContent`)
values(Now(), Concat('DeviceTypeId = ', cast(v_deviceTypeId As char(10)), ' did not define paritition schele'));
set v_partitionName = concat('p', cast(v_intDate as char(6)));
-- 模拟量表
set v_tablename_analog = concat(v_tablename, '_Analog');
select count(*) into v_cnt
from information_schema.`TABLES` where `TABLE_SCHEMA` = database() and `table_name` = v_tablename_analog;
if v_cnt > 0 then
select count(*) into v_cnt
TABLE_SCHEMA = database() and table_name = v_tablename_analog and partition_name = v_partitionName;
if v_cnt = 0 then
set v_sql = CONCAT('alter table ', v_tablename_analog, ' add partition (partition ', v_partitionName, ' values less than (', cast(v_intDate as char(6)), ') data directory = ''', v_fileDir, ''' index directory = ''', v_fileDir , ''')');
insert into tbPartitionMaintainLog(`CreatedDateTime`, `LogContent`)
Values(Now(), concat('sql = ''', v_sql));
set @sql = v_sql;
prepare cmd from @sql;
execute cmd;
deallocate prepare cmd;
insert into tbPartitionMaintainLog(`CreatedDateTime`, `LogContent`)
values(Now(), concat('execute complete: ', v_sql));
end if;
end if;
-- 数字量表
set v_tablename_digital = concat(v_tablename, '_Digital');
select count(*) into v_cnt
from information_schema.`TABLES` where `TABLE_SCHEMA` = database() and `table_name` = v_tablename_digital;
if v_cnt > 0 then
select count(*) into v_cnt
TABLE_SCHEMA = database() and table_name = v_tablename_digital and partition_name = v_partitionName;
if v_cnt = 0 then
set v_sql = CONCAT('alter table ', v_tablename_digital, ' add partition (partition ', v_partitionName, ' values less than (', cast(v_intDate as char(6)), ') data directory = ''', v_fileDir, ''' index directory = ''', v_fileDir , ''')');
insert into tbPartitionMaintainLog(`CreatedDateTime`, `LogContent`)
Values(Now(), concat('sql = ''', v_sql));
set @sql = v_sql;
prepare cmd from @sql;
execute cmd;
deallocate prepare cmd;
insert into tbPartitionMaintainLog(`CreatedDateTime`, `LogContent`)
values(Now(), concat('execute complete: ', v_sql));
end if;
end if;
end if;
end loop deviceType_loop;
close c_deviceType;
delimiter ;
drop event if exists e_DataPartitionMaintain;
create event e_DataPartitionMaintain
on SCHEDULE every 60 Second
on completion PRESERVE
do call spMaintainPartitions();
set global event_scheler = on;