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时间:2024-01-23 03:48
A microcontroller is an integrated circuit (IC) that is programmable. When you turn on the power to the microcontroller it goes through a series of commands. These commands are put in the chip by you. You can make it do different things by changing the commands (usually called the program). To change the commands you need a device like the PG302. The PG302 lets you download the program from your computer to the microcontroller. This chapter will show you some simple programs and how to download those to
2.0.1The 555 Timer
Creating a Pulse
The 555 is made out of simple transistors that are about the same as on / off switches. They do not have any sense of time. When you apply a voltage they turn on and when you take away the voltage they turn off. So by itself, the 555 can not create a pulse. The way the pulse is created is by using some components in a circuit attached to the 555 (see the circuit below). This circuit is made of a capacitor and a resistor. We can flip a switch and start charging the capacitor. The resistor is used to control how fast the capacitor charges. The bigger the resistance, the longer it takes to charge the capacitor. The voltage in the capacitor can then be used as an input to another switch. Since the voltage starts at 0, nothing happens to the second switch. But eventually the capacitor will charge up to some point where the second switch comes on.
The way the 555 timer works is that when you flip the first switch, the Output pin goes to Vcc (the positive power supply voltage) and starts charging the capacitor. When the capacitor voltage gets to 2/3 Vcc (that is Vcc * 2/3) the second switch turns on which makes the output go to 0 volts.
The pinout for the 555 timer is shown below
Deep Details
Pin 2 (Trigger) is the 'on' switch for the pulse. The line over the word Trigger tells us that the voltage levels are the opposite of what you would normally expect. To turn the switch on you apply 0 volts to pin 2. The technical term for this opposite behavior is 'Active Low'. It is common to see this 'Active Low' behavior for IC inputs because of the inverting nature of transistor circuits like we saw in the LED and Transistor Tutorial.
Pin 6 is the off switch for the pulse. We connect the positive side of the capacitor to this pin and the negative side of the capacitor to ground. When Pin 2 (Trigger) is at Vcc, the 555 holds Pin 7 at 0 volts (Note the inverted voltage). When Pin 2 goes to 0 volts, the 555 stops holding Pin 7 at 0 volts. Then the capacitor starts charging. The capacitor is charged through a resistor connected to Vcc. The current starts flowing into the capacitor, and the voltage in the capacitor starts to increase.
Pin 3 is the output (where the actual pulse comes out). The voltage on this pin starts at 0 volts. When 0 volts is applied to the trigger (Pin 2), the 555 puts out Vcc on Pin 3 and holds it at Vcc until Pin 6 reaches 2/3 of Vcc (that is Vcc * 2/3). Then the 555 pulls the voltage at Pin 3 to ground and you have created a pulse. (Again notice the inverting action.) The voltage on Pin 7 is also pulled to ground, connecting the capacitor to ground and discharging it.
Seeing the pulse
To see the pulse we will use an LED connected to the 555 output, Pin 3. When the output is 0 volts the LED will be off. When the output is Vcc the LED will be on.
Building the Circuit
Place the 555 across the middle line of the breadboard so that 4 pins are on one side and 4 pins are on the other side. (You may need to bend the pins in a little so they will go in the holes.) Leave the power disconnected until you finish building the circuit. The diagram above shows how the pins on the 555 are numbered. You can find pin 1 by looking for the half circle in the end of the chip. Sometimes instead of a half circle, there will be a dot or shallow hole by pin 1.
Before you start building the circuit, use jumper wires to connect the red and blue power rows to the red and blue power rows on the other side of the board. Then you will be able to easily reach Vcc and Ground lines from both sides of the board. (If the wires are too short, use two wires joined together in a row of holes for the positive power (Vcc) and two wires joined together in a different row of holes for the ground.)
Connect Pin 1 to ground.
Connect Pin 8 to Vcc.
Connect Pin 4 to Vcc.
Connect the positive leg of the LED to a 330 ohm resistor and connect the negative end of the LED to ground. Connect the other leg of the 330 ohm resistor to the output, Pin 3.
Connect Pin 7 to Vcc with a 10k resistor (RA = 10K).
Connect Pin 7 to Pin 6 with a jumper wire.
Connect Pin 6 to the positive leg of the 220uF Capacitor (C = 220uF). (You will need to bend the positive (long leg) up and out some so that the negative leg can go in the breadboard.
Connect the negative leg of the capacitor to ground.
Connect a wire to Pin 2 to use as the trigger. Start with Pin 2 connected to Vcc.
Now connect the power. The LED will come on and stay on for about 2 seconds. Remove the wire connected to Pin 2 from Vcc. You should be able to trigger the 555 again by touching the wire connected to pin 2 with your finger or by connecting it to ground and removing it. (It should be about a 2 second pulse.)
Making it Oscillate
Next we will make the LED flash continually without having to trigger it. We will hook up the 555 so that it triggers itself. The way this works is that we add in a resistor between the capacitor and the discharge pin, Pin 7. Now, the capacitor will charge up (through RA and RB) and when it reaches 2/3 Vcc, Pin 3 and Pin 7 will go to ground. But the capacitor can not discharge immediately because of RB. It takes some time for the charge to drain through RB. The more resistance RB has, the longer it takes to discharge. The time it takes to discharge the capacitor will be the time the LED is off.
To trigger the 555 again, we connect Pin 6 to the trigger (Pin 2). As the capacitor is discharging, the voltage in the capacitor gets lower and lower. When it gets down to 1/3 Vcc this triggers Pin 2 causing Pin 3 to go to Vcc and the LED to come on. The 555 disconnects Pin 7 from ground, and the capacitor starts to charge up again through RA and RB.
To build this circuit from the previous circuit, do the following.
Disconnect the power.
Take out the jumper wire between Pin 6 and Pin 7 and replace it with a 2.2k resistor (RB = 2.2K).
Use the jumper wire at pin 2 to connect Pin 2 to Pin 6.
Now reconnect the power and the LED should flash forever (as long as you pay your electricity bill).
Experiment with different resistor values of RA and RB to see how it changes the length of time that the LED flashes. (You are changing the amount of time that it takes for the Capacitor to charge and discharge.)
2.0.1 555定时器
555 定时器是由简单的晶体管组成,作用和触发器一样,它们本身不能定时,当你接上电源它们开始产生脉冲,当你撤掉电源它们就不能产生脉冲,所以对于555定时器本身来说不能产生脉冲。产生脉冲的方法就是用一些元件把555连接在一个电路中(如下面的电路)。这个电路是由一个电容器和一个电阻器构成的。我们可以交换触发器和启动充电电容。电阻器用来控制电容充电的快慢。电阻越大,电容充电时间越长。电路中的电压可以用作输入的另一个触发器,因为起始电压为0时,在第二个开关处不会有任何的反应,但最终由于电容器充电到一定值激活第二个触发器。
引脚3是输出(在这里输出实际的脉冲)端。引脚3上起始电压为0,当触发器(引脚2)上电压为0时,555 通过Vcc控制引脚3直到引脚6电压达到Vcc的2/3(也就是Vcc*2/3)。然后将引脚3的电压接地,这样你就可以看到一个脉冲(此外注意翻转作用).引脚7上的电压同样也要接地,连接电容器进行地面放电。
将引脚7用一个10K的电阻接到Vcc上(R =10K)。
接下来我们将使LED不断的反射而不必触发它。我们将钩住555以便它自己本身可以触发。工作原理就是我们在电容器和放电引脚,引脚7之间加一个电阻。现在,电容器将充电(通过 )当电压达到2/3 Vcc时,把引脚3和引脚7接地。但由于RB电容器不能立即放电,电容器通过RB从充电到放电需要一定的时间,RB的电阻越大时间越长。电容器开始放电的时间也就是LED工作中断的时间。
为再一次触发555,我们将引脚6和触发器(引脚2)连接起来。当电容器充电时电容器内的电压越来越低。当电压降到1/3 Vcc时触发器引脚2使引脚3变为Vcc并且通过LED激活555。将引脚7从地面上断开,电容器开始通过RA和RB再次充电。
时间:2024-01-23 03:49
Study on a New Frequency-variable Speed-adjusting System
作 者: 高宏伟 陈亮 赵亚威 刘晓阳 作者单位: 沈阳理工大学,信息科学与工程学院,辽宁,沈阳,110168
刊 名: 沈阳理工大学学报 英文刊名: TRANSACTIONS OF SHENYANG LIGONG UNIVERSITY 核心期刊收录: EI SCI PKU NJU 年,卷(期): 2008 27(5) 分类号: TM343.2 TD534 关键字: 高低压方式 速度闭环 模糊控制 仿真 机标分类号: TM3 TH1 机标关键字: 调速方式 提升机系统 模糊控制策略 高压电动机 响应速度 稳态误差 速度给定 设计方法 曲线跟踪 环境因素 工矿企业 改造对象 仿真结果 低压变频 闭环结构 鲁棒性 晶闸管 单片机 变频器 组成
时间:2024-01-23 03:49