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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-03 07:37



热心网友 时间:2023-10-14 16:20

If the instry were to manage inventory at the levels of its best performing publishers and booksellers, then it would enjoy a one-off rection in inventory amounting to about $329 million. Assuming a cost of capital of 12 percent, this would translate into savings of approximately $39 million in working capital. Similarly, if the instry were to manage write offs at levels
currently recorded by its best performers, a saving of at least $9 million could be made each year.
The key to realising such rections lies in two areas. First, visibility of network-wide inventory can be improved. At present, publishers are uncertain about their stock levels, the location of stock, how quickly it is moving and if, or to where, it should be reallocated. Inventory could be made visible across the supply chain, including stock in publishers’and booksellers’ warehouses, in stores and within channels of return. Second, publishers and booksellers could work together to bring greater transparency to the supply chain by leveraging continuous point-of-sale data.
Continuous sales data could be used in conjunction with inventory tracking so that stocks could be supplied to those outlets where sales volumes flag the need for stock. Initiatives such as these would also allow real-time information to assist with decisions on print-runs, replenishment and stock reallocation. The end result would be a better match between supply and demand, thereby creating greater ‘wins’ for all participating booksellers and publishers. Booksellers would receive more timely fulfilment, lower cost sales and altogether better supply of the right books, at the right place and at the right time. Publishers would have fewer returns, lower stock-outs, higher inventory turns, lower write-offs and more timely reprints.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-14 16:20

If the instry were to manage inventory at the levels of its best performing publishers and booksellers, then it would enjoy a one-off rection in inventory amounting to about $329 million. Assuming a cost of capital of 12 percent, this would translate into savings of approximately $39 million in working capital. Similarly, if the instry were to manage write offs at levels
currently recorded by its best performers, a saving of at least $9 million could be made each year.
The key to realising such rections lies in two areas. First, visibility of network-wide inventory can be improved. At present, publishers are uncertain about their stock levels, the location of stock, how quickly it is moving and if, or to where, it should be reallocated. Inventory could be made visible across the supply chain, including stock in publishers’and booksellers’ warehouses, in stores and within channels of return. Second, publishers and booksellers could work together to bring greater transparency to the supply chain by leveraging continuous point-of-sale data.
Continuous sales data could be used in conjunction with inventory tracking so that stocks could be supplied to those outlets where sales volumes flag the need for stock. Initiatives such as these would also allow real-time information to assist with decisions on print-runs, replenishment and stock reallocation. The end result would be a better match between supply and demand, thereby creating greater ‘wins’ for all participating booksellers and publishers. Booksellers would receive more timely fulfilment, lower cost sales and altogether better supply of the right books, at the right place and at the right time. Publishers would have fewer returns, lower stock-outs, higher inventory turns, lower write-offs and more timely reprints.
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