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发布网友 发布时间:2024-01-09 06:42



热心网友 时间:2024-01-09 14:59

According to the resources of the enterprises, (we) decide market positioning, choose target market, establish the aims to improve territorial market sells, and develop & maintain pivotal customers. Additionally, we should reform our marketing channel taches and keep downstreamingly of the channels by means of marketing channel constraction. We should improve wholely the recognition of our customers on our procts based on improving values of our customers. Finally, we should improve our marketing stratagerm by consummating our marketing services and establishing our opration management system.

热心网友 时间:2024-01-09 14:59

Draw up to take the exaltation market sale quantity in district as a target according to the choice of the resources decision market fixed position,the target market of the company, around point the customer practice the point development and maintenance;Take the outlet construction as means, improve the outlet link, carry out an outlet unimpeded;With the biggest limit exaltation customer value is purpose, overall exaltation the company proct is in the approbation in the customer;With the perfect marketing service,pass an establishment business a management system, promote the marketing strategy of[with] the company marketing ability.
顺便看看“百度知道 > 教育/科学 > 入学信息”的“"冠龙高级中学"是个怎样的学校”帮帮我的忙!(有“悬赏分:25”叻!)

热心网友 时间:2024-01-09 15:00

Draw up to take the exaltation market sale quantity in district as a target according to the choice of the resources decision market fixed position,the target market of the company, around point the customer practice the point development and maintenance;Take the outlet construction as means, improve the outlet link, carry out an outlet unimpeded;With the biggest limit exaltation customer value is purpose, overall exaltation the company proct is in the approbation in the customer;With the perfect marketing service,pass an establishment business a management system, promote the marketing strategy of[with] the company marketing ability.
顺便看看“百度知道 > 教育/科学 > 入学信息”的“"冠龙高级中学"是个怎样的学校”帮帮我的忙!(有“悬赏分:25”叻!)
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