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以To be polite students为题写英语作文

发布网友 发布时间:2024-01-25 08:22



热心网友 时间:2024-03-16 08:20

Politeness is a manner that shows your respect for people and your friendliness. It can not only shows your qualities but also stimulate the communication between each other. It is widely used in our daily life.
2. Different cases to be polite (Example)
2.1. The mood system
The mood system in English is very important grammatic- cal category. By mood, we mean a kind of attitude or judgement That the speaker communicate towards what happens. Gramma- tically, we can employ some forms of the verb to indicate the various attitudes.
(1) Don’t smoke here.
(2) I would rather you didn’t smoke here.
If we take a closer look at the examples above. It is no difficult to find that there is something different between them. Sentence(1) is an imperative mood sentence. It shows a kind of psychological remoteness from the listener. In sentence(2), we use “would rather” to talk to the listener. It seems to be more polite and closer.
2.2 The modality system

Modality is another important grammatical concept. Technically speaking, it is a means for the speaker to convey his/her attitude or judgement about things.
(3) Close the door for me. (4) Can you close the door for me? (5) Would you close the door for me?
While the three sentences share the same basic meaning. We can detect a graal increase of politeness from (3) to (5).Sentence(3), the least polite of the three, is imperative and it ususally functions as an order. By contrast, in sentence(5), the modal verb “would” is used to show indiretness as well as a strong tentativeness in voicing the request. In sentence(5), to put in another way, is left with the freedom to choose whether to do as required or not. (5) is more polite.
2.3 Interrogative sentence
Interrogative sentence can also indicate the politeness. (6) We shall start now. (7) Shall we start now?
Comparing sentence(6) and sentence(7),we can easily find that the sentence(6) is an indicate sentence, it may be said by a teacher, but it sounds like an order. In sentence (7), it is an advise. Also, it shows that the teacher is respect for her/his students. The students may have a preference for the teacher who speak the latter sentence.
2.4. Passive sentence
Passive sentence can indicate the politeness to people. It is widely used in work place or in public.
(8) I want to become an employee of your company. (9) I want to be employed by your company.
The sentence(8) tend to express your own live!

热心网友 时间:2024-03-16 08:21

As students,it's very important for us to know what we should do and what we should not do.
at school.we should be pollite to the teachers and classmates.doing homework everyday and go to after-school activities on time.speak polite words in public,be friendly to everyone.for example,on a bus,there is a empty seat.if an old people standing there,let them sit first,dont litter things about everywhere,put rubbish in the bin instead of drop it.we try to do everything we can to protect the enviroment.If we do so,I'm sure we will be polite students
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