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发布网友 发布时间:2024-01-27 08:37



热心网友 时间:2024-03-03 14:03

With the computer in the multidisciplinary field of application, computer programming and the development and application of the circuit can be solved through computer-aided analysis of the circuit theory circuit equation, especially for the complex structure of the circuit, by hand in terms of their equation The answer is very troublesome, but with the emergence of the computer, this issue is no longer a problem. Through the study node voltage, to improve law node, C basic knowledge of language, LU decomposition, analysis node voltage node and improvement of the distinction between law and reference 0,0, and other professional circuit analysis software, improving the use of Node , LU decomposition of the linear network analysis procedures for the C language design, large-scale computing circuitry, which can greatly eliminate the cumbersome manual operation, save time, improve the accuracy of the calculations.

热心网友 时间:2024-03-03 13:55

Along with the development of the computer in the many science areas,and the exploitation and application of the computer's programme,in virtue of the the analysis of computer in the circuit,it can solve the circuit equation in the circuit theory,especially towards the circuit which configuration is complex.It is very bother that solving the equation by hands,but along with the appearance of the computer,it is not a problem.According to the study of voltage crunode mathod、ameliorate crunode mathod、the basic knowledge of the C pragramme、LU decomposition mathod,analysing the differences between the crunode voltage mathod and the ameliorate crunode mathod,and consulting the zero and so on analysis software,to exercise the ameliorate crunode mathod、LU decomposition to carry through the linear network analysis of the C pragramme design,and the operation of the large demensions circuit.So that it can save more complex handiwork and time,to prove the definition of the calculation.
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