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my volunteer days作文有翻译

发布网友 发布时间:2024-01-21 17:48



热心网友 时间:2024-02-21 04:21

this summer, i did not go home; instead i served as a volunteer for “good luck beijing sports events” held in beijing for half a month. sincerely speaking, the experience endows me a lot of valuable elicitation.hearing the news of approval, i was very excited, like a child got what he had expected for long. i was lucky, because i just passed the line. the contestants had to take an english exam, only those who got more than 70 could move on to the next selection stage. meanwhile, i was grateful to use my endowment to contribute for the olympic games.

  wearing the volunteer uniform and the volunteer accreditation card, admired by others, i felt sneaky a little proud. meanwhile i also felt a great responsibility falling on my shoulder knowing that volunteers’ words and behaviors could affect foreign guests’ impression on china. as i was a volunteer for accommodation, my post was in a four-star hotel. there were players of four teams form china, france, japan, czechoslovakia living there. all of them are participants of the baseball. actually, most of the time, we served as interpreters for those working in the lobby. for example, when the players wanted to go out for shopping, we would call a taxi for them and told the taxi driver where to go. while, there is something worthwhile to be mentioned that most of the volunteers are english majors and most of the players could speak english very well except japanese contestants. compared with japanese players, we had less difficulty communicating with french players and czech. i remembered that once i misunderstood one of the japanese players’ requests of “call up” for “cup of”, and i felt so embarrassed that i even wanted to cry. graally, i learned to be more carefully when talking to the non english native speakers.ring the event lasting for less than 15 days, the most impressive experience was that i to(转载自第一范文网http://www.diyifanwen.com,请保留此标记。)ok 3 of the japanese players to the beijing zoo. as the zoo is not far from the hotel, we walked there. on the way, they asked me about the beggars on the street in their just-so-so english, and i tried my best to explain, and even putting my mouth in to my mouth, indicating that they did not have enough to eat. but they still did not get me, which was really irritating. reflecting that, i regret i did not learn japanese hard enough.these days, we have been studying the novel wuthing heights written by emily bronte, and one of the clues is the identity of catherine, whether heathcliff or edgar that she really love. as a human being, the most important thing is to identify who we are, so should we students. living in a mixed society, having a definite knowledge of self-identity matters a lot. as a civilian, knowing what we really should do can have a great impact on both ourselves and the social civilization.

  to make good preparation for the olympic games to be held next year, a tidal wave to learn english is in full wing nationally. whether old or young, beijingers are keen to leave an impressive beijing。
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