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发布网友 发布时间:2024-01-23 00:29



热心网友 时间:2024-04-07 21:35



2.He is eating his lunch. He is not eating his lunch. Is he eating his lunch? His lunch is being eaten by him. His lunch is not being eaten by him. Is his lunch being eaten by him? 3.They have hidden their money. They have not hidden their money. Have they hidden their money? Their money has been hidden by them. Their money has not been hidden by them. Has their money been hidden by them? 4.I found the book I did not find the book. Did I find the book? The book was found by me. The book was not found by me. Was the book found by me? 5.We were drawing pictures. We were not drawing pictures. Were we drawing pictures? Pictures were being drawn by us. Pictures were not being drawn by us. Were pictures being drawn by us? 6.Mother will wash the clothes. Mother will not wash the clothes. Will mother wash the clothes? The clothes will be washed by mother. The clothes will not be washed by mother. Will the clothes be washed by mother? 7.The cow had drunk milk The cow had not drunk milk. Had the cow drunk milk? The milk had been drunk by the cow. The milk had not been drunk by the cow. Had the milk been drunk by the cow?
2.He is eating his lunch. He does not eat his lunch. Does he eat his lunch. The lunch is ate by him. The lunch is not ate by him. Is the lunch ate by him. 3.They have hiddeb(我猜应该是hide) they money. They do not hide their money. Do they hide their money. The money is hid by them. The money is not hid by them. Is the money hid by them. 4.I found the book I do not find the book. Do I find the book. The book is found by me. The book is not found by me. Is the book found by me. 5.We were draring(我猜是drawing) pictures. I do not draw the pictures. Do I draw the pictures. The pictures are drew by me. The pictures are not drew by me. Are the pictures drew by me. 6.Mother will wash the clothes. Mother does not wash the clothes. Does mother wash the clothes. The clothes is washed by mother. The clothes is not washed by mother. Is the clothes washed by mother. 7.The cow had drunk milk The cow does not drink milk. Does the cow drink milk. The milk is drank by the cow. The milk is not drank by the cow. Is the milk drank by rhe cow. 2010-09-04 01:39:50 补充: Is the milk drank by the cow.
your question was unclear. i dont know what do you want us to do

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