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求No more words歌词?拜托各位大神

发布网友 发布时间:2024-01-22 14:35



热心网友 时间:2024-02-14 06:03

No More Words - Jeff Hardy ●●●③②① I got a sharp stick, i keep in my pocket 我有锋利的树枝,装在口袋里 I speak volumes never utter a word 我读书从不发出一个字 When you strike a match, a fire will happen 当你点燃一根火柴,火将燃起 But the line between the smoke and the flames get blured 只是在烟火之间变得模糊 Don't you see the writing on the wall 不要看墙壁上的文章 You're in way over your head 你有你的思维方式 You're gonna drown in the things that you said 你要执著你说的事情 Time has come and gone for words 时光来去只为诺言 A thousands threats I've heard before 也曾听过无数的危言 But words are cheap, but lies are big to take 只是诺言廉价 谎言变得伟大 Time has come and gone for words 时光来去只为诺言 A thousands threats I've heard before 也曾听过无数的危言 And all your words are too big to take 你所有的诺言变得太伟大 ●●● It's a paradox, A mystery, A riddle 也许是矛盾、是不可思议、还是一个谜 A door in your face and only i have the key 你脸上的大门只有我能打开 Do understand, you'll be caught in the middle 知道吗 你将在*被抓住 Caught in a web by being spun by me 在我编织的网中被抓住 Don't you see the writing on the wall 不要看墙壁上的文章 Just a victim of your own conceit 那只是一个自负的牺牲品 The architect of your own defeat 那只是一个失败的筑造者 Time has come and gone for words 时光来去只为诺言 A thousands threats I've heard before 也曾听过无数的危言 But words are cheap, but lies are big to take 只是诺言廉价 谎言变得伟大 Time has come and gone for words 时光来去只为诺言 A thousands threats I've heard before 也曾听过无数的危言 And all your words are too big to take 你所有的诺言变得太伟大 ●●● Never walk away from a fight thats worth fighting 不要停止脚步,为你值得的奋斗 Never hesitate when you know you're gonna act 不要隐藏,当你想要表现 Never waste your words on a fool you won't listen 不要浪费唇舌,对你不想聆听的愚人 Never sell your soul cause you'll never buy it... 不要出卖灵魂,因为你将覆水难收 ●●●③②① Time has come and gone for words 时光来去只为诺言 A thousands threats I've heard before 也曾听过无数的危言 But words are cheap, but lies are big to take 只是诺言廉价 谎言变得伟大 Time has come and gone for words 时光来去只为诺言 A thousands threats I've heard before 也曾听过无数的危言 And all your words are too big to take 你所有的诺言变得太伟大 Time has come and gone for words 时光来去只为诺言 A thousands threats I've heard before 也曾听过无数的危言 But words are cheap, but lies are big to take 只是诺言廉价 谎言变得伟大 Time has come and gone for words 时光来去只为诺言 A thousands threats I've heard before 也曾听过无数的危言 And all your words are too big to take 你所有的诺言变得太伟大只是一个 ●●● end 参考资料: http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/90232212.html
梦见穿堂风 没有爱情我们一样会快乐的对吗 没有爱情的人会快乐么? 解除合同的效力有什么 合同解除会产生什么法律效力 合同解除后,哪些条款仍具效力? 合同解除产生哪些效力呢 民法典中合同解除产生哪些效力 解除合同的效力有哪些 济南七中学校怎么样 身份证不在身边 用户口本可以办理市民卡么 普通面粉如何做松软的蛋糕? 老版三国诸葛亮是谁演的 捡到的手机怎样可以找到失主? 求no more words的歌词,要准确,最好日语专业水平 no more words 是什么意思? 世界第一高桥 世界上第一高桥在哪里 苹果官网优惠券在哪里领取使用? 微信扫码支付怎么查到对方 怎样领百亿补贴的优惠券呢? 微信重新注册了,怎么找回以前那个? 一年改2次的办法 一年改2次的办法 一年改2次的办法 梦见车人撞车找我 孩子们装满我年轻的行囊散文 冷库分为哪几种冷库 龙腾世纪 起源中文版 进去什么字都没有 上海交通大学电子专业排名 苹果手机在哪里打开地震预警 滦南县如今是哪个市的? 网易云音乐有防沉迷青少年模式吗? 壮丁[zhuàng dīng]什么意思?近义词和反义词是什么?英文翻译是... 蜂胶和蜂王浆哪个适合我 壮丁是指什么 《王弼道德经注》中对“大器晚成”的解释是:“大器成天下不持全别... are you doing还是do you doing? 云南建工校园招聘面试一般提什么问题 刚出生几天的小猫怎样才能养活? that mouth 两个th读音相同吗? 怎么建一个属于自己的网站啊? 塞吉·洛塞克出生于哪里 蜂胶和蜂王浆的区别 行吗 怎么样从济宁到焦作(或者是修武县) 如何退出网易云音乐的私密模式? 刚出生没几天的小猫该如何养活? 黑鱼片煮多久杀死寄生虫 济宁到焦作多少公里 他在洞里山羊在雪地里画什么 刚出生没多久得小猫要怎么才能更好得养活?