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发布网友 发布时间:2024-01-22 15:07



热心网友 时间:2024-01-25 02:43

The British people a day before New Year's day, each and every family must be a bottle of wine, a meat. The British think, if there is no remaining meat, the coming year will be poor. In addition, the United Kingdom is also popular new year " Wells" of the customs, people are fighting for the first to fetch water, think first of human well-being of people, call the water is auspicious water. British New Year's Eve the night, often bring cakes and wine to go out to visit, they do not knock on the door, went straight into the house to friends and relatives. According to the British customs, after the new year's Eve night, the first foot forward towards the house of people, heralding a new year of luck. If the first guest is a black man, or a happy, happy and wealthy people, the owner will be good luck throughout the year geely. If the first guest is a light yellow hair and a woman, or a sad, poor, unfortunate people, the master was bad luck in the new year will be, will encounter difficulties and disasters. New year's Eve to visit relatives and friends who, without talking before, to go with the fire, blessing master " open the door down ". In some areas of central England, new year's morning out, whether familiar or unfamiliar, will send each other coins, they think to do so, not only a financial gas each year, but also to bring their own luck.
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