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发布网友 发布时间:2024-01-06 06:54



热心网友 时间:2024-03-04 14:46

American culture's influence around the world
1 through television, radio newspapers, the media-affected countries.
2 by a large number of Hollywood film distributors worldwide. The film gains more than 80 percent of the world. Subtle infiltration.
3 by attracting large number of students, the associated impact on youth.
4 boxing through a variety of sports competitions, pageants, basketball league, the Academy Awards, records issue, the Nasdaq Stock Exchange, the impact of the world.
5 through the Coca-Cola, McDonald's, KFC, and even Christmas, the impact on children, youth.
6 through the Internet, Microsoft's computer to control all corners of the world.
-- Thus, the impact brought about the concept.

热心网友 时间:2024-03-04 14:48

American culture to various countries influence 1 through television broadcasting station newspapers, mass media influence various countries. 1 through television broadcasting station newspapers, mass media influence various countries. 2 distributes the whole world through the massive Hollywood movie. Its movie income accounts for above global 80%. Influences subtly seepage. 3 through attraction massive foreign students, relation influence various countries youth. 4 through each kind of sports boxing competition, the beauty contest activity, the basketball league tournament, Oscar promulgates, the phonograph record release, the NASDAQ stock exchange, affects the world. 5 through Coca-Cola, MacDonald, KFC, even the Christmas day, affects the child, the youth. 6 through the Internet, Microsoft computer, control world each corner. -- from this, brings in the idea the influence.

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