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发布网友 发布时间:2024-01-08 16:39



热心网友 时间:2024-03-05 12:26

let us talk about your present(previous) job.
1.Why did you want to leave?
2.Where do your former boss think you are?
3.Are you still working in the last company listed in your resume?
4.What do you think should an employee offer to his employer?
5.Describe us a typical working day you spent in your present job.
6.If your director leaves you an assignment which you cannot fully understand and disappears in the following week, how will you manage your job if you cannot contact with him?
7.Why haven't you received any engagement letters from any company?
8.Who had given you a letter of appointment?For which positon?What was the salary?
9.How much will your company be influenced by the absence of your existence?
10.Since you're happy with your present job,why leave?
11.If you think ill of your present job while your colleagues speak highly of you,why not draw their attention about what your concern?
12.How do your colleagues evaluate your performance?

热心网友 时间:2024-03-05 12:29

Let's talk about your present or last job. 1. why do you consider to leave last job? 2. Where does your boss think you are now? 3. Are you still working for the last company listed on your CV? 4. What salary do you think the employer should provide for the employee? 5. tell me a typical day you experienced in your present job. 6. Your in-charge leaves an assignment to you and he will not be available for coming one week. You are able to contact him and have no idea about the assignment. So, what will you do? 7. Why haven't you recieved employment notice from any company up-to now? 8. Who provided you employment notice? What is your position and your salary? 9. If you leave your present job, what will happen to the company? 10. If you are happy with present job, why do you want to leave? 11. If you have complains against present job, but they have high evaluation on you, why don't you make them attracted to the stuff you are focusing on? 12. How do your colleagues describe you?
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