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征求三篇英美风情的英文短文。还要翻译急需!!!谢谢 谢谢 再谢谢!

发布网友 发布时间:2024-01-16 15:55



热心网友 时间:2024-01-22 05:01

American Style
Every country has its peculiar customs(习惯). Americans feel that the first rule of being a polite guest is to be prompt(准时的). If a person is invited to dinner at 6:30, he should not be there too early. He should be there on time or at most a few minutes after. When the guests cannot come on time, he should call the host or hostess(女主人)on the telephone, give the reason and tell what time he can come.

America is well-known for its equality, liberty, fraternity. Everyone is very friendly and informal. Children often call their parents by their first names and at work. Subordinates do not normally use "Mister" when addressing their supervisors. To those visitors who come from a more rigid and stratified society, such casualness can be confusing, leading to egregious(严重的)blunders. Conversely, many worldly, sophisticated Americans appear mortified because they feel America is not "civilized," with a capital "C." However, we know of terribly embarrassing incidents from mistakes which only an innocent foreigner would have made.

National Dress in Britain
Scottish National Dress
One of the most famous national costumes in the world is that worn in Scotland, the kilt, however some people say that the kilt is not as traditional as some would have it. Be that as it may it is certainly what people associate with Scotland, along with whisky and haggis that is.
Some people consider it very bad luck to wear a kilt in a tartan that does not belong to your family.
Just to remind you should you visit Scotland any time - the men do not wear skirts - they wear kilts - and don‘t you forget it!

热心网友 时间:2024-01-22 05:01

Westerners tend to be analytical and pay more attention to the key ,or focal objects in a scene--for example,concentrating on the woman in the "Mona Lisa",as opposed too the rocks and sky behind her.
西方人倾向于分析问题,更加注意某一现场的关键或焦点问题——例如他们会更加留意蒙娜丽莎本人,而非她后面的岩石和天空 。{摘自英语通}其实你看一下各种英语杂志就不难找到
什么是诸葛亮 卧龙,凤雏,冢虎,幼麟得一可安天下,为啥刘备失败? 潮州老式粿汁的做法 求一篇六百字作文。题目大概是:找一个话题跟父母展开一次朋友式的... 老师让以某个话题,给父母进行一次朋友式的书信往来, 急急急!! 与父母进行一次朋友式的通信。 我该怎样和室友相处呢,我们宿舍很糟糕,很差? 京东商城我的用户上有钱怎么用用户上的钱买东西啊 我在我朋友那个京东账户里有钱可他没实名怎么可以用那些钱来买... 上海市护士延续注册怎么办理 车险定损认定书 为什么查勘员怕投诉 怎么异形3有两个版本,暴风和风行的开头不一样啊,后面差不多,都有删节... 公司将员工开除,没有签劳动合同,按照新劳动法应怎样赔偿 ...一个月未签合同,以员工严重违反规章制度开除员工,要赔偿吗?_百度知 ... 铜陵市天赐矿产品贸易有限责任公司怎么样? 侠客红尘被绑架如何下载 沈阳市法库县孟家乡凤琪堡村啥时候动迁 肖鱼最后和谁在一起了 腾讯会议怎么让学生举手回答问题? 读“我国部分城市空气质量周报(1998年6月)“,解答: 城市 污染指数 首要... 读下面“北京市空气质量周报”,完成下列要求:(10分)北京市空气质量周报... 抖音私密怎么删除掉呢 “新郎遇害案”始末:新婚当夜新郎官失踪,两天后发现陈尸林中,最后怎样... 大众点评怎么联系商家 男的是相亲认识的,见面两次后他和我说他爸爸住院了,我说想去看望一下... 果树地下的土里浇点食用油可以吗? 梦见一池的大鱼的预兆 我中信银行信用卡都用3个月左右了,一直垫还,今天中信银行给我打电话我... 苹果MacBook ail开机重启后都是白屏,怎么办?有没有办法让它恢复原来是... 为什么华为手机不可以用壁纸引擎做锁屏? 太原市万柏林区文化馆馆长是谁呢 太原市文化馆待遇怎么样 怀仁文化馆馆长是谁 空调外机一直不停的响没停过,室内温度打到21度一小时需要用电多少度电... 格力空调制冷量2630保持21度一小时用多少电 华为智慧屏灵犀指向遥控的功能 华为智慧屏的灵犀指向遥控器咋用呢? 西安历史博物馆和陕西历史博物馆一样吗 ...六分之一,四分之一,三分之一,十二分之五,二分之一,十二分之七,这七... ...三分之二,四分之三,十二分之一,十二分之五,十二分之七这_百度... ...4分之1,3分之1,12分之5,2分之1,12分之7这七个分数填入下面圆圈,使每... ...六分之一,四分之一,三分之一,十二分之五,二分之一()…… 寻找前世之旅漫画停更了吗 工作五年简短感想 苏力AP500C定压功放怎么改功放 定压功放改普通功放功率大吗 对联怎么贴才正确 对联是怎么贴的? 高中生物中有哪些实验是需要用到显微镜的?