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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-03 02:21



热心网友 时间:2023-10-05 12:52

2008-2009 school year, paragraph 1, the selected academic semester credit credit repair credit semester courses school course name course code attribution of the nature of courses GPA marker make-up minor accomplishments accomplishments accomplishments College Name Remarks repair repair tag
Computer information technology infrastructure
College English (a)
University of Language B
Advanced Mathematics B (a)
The basis of accounting
Military Training
Sports options (Volleyball)
Situation and Policies
Outline of Modern Chinese History
Computer Engineering
University Foreign Language Department
College of Liberal Arts
Business School
Armed Forces
Name of course the nature of requests for credits credits credits needed no credit courses through the ownership of the name of credit did not pass the requirements to obtain credits credits credits needed
Public course
Innovation elective
Public elective
Integrated Development Elective
Courses and credits do not pass through the credits is not a warning
The total number of professional GPA GPA sum

热心网友 时间:2023-10-05 12:52

2008-2009 school year, paragraph 1, the selected academic semester credit credit repair credit semester courses school course name course code attribution of the nature of courses GPA marker make-up minor accomplishments accomplishments accomplishments College Name Remarks repair repair tag
Computer information technology infrastructure
College English (a)
University of Language B
Advanced Mathematics B (a)
The basis of accounting
Military Training
Sports options (Volleyball)
Situation and Policies
Outline of Modern Chinese History
Computer Engineering
University Foreign Language Department
College of Liberal Arts
Business School
Armed Forces
Name of course the nature of requests for credits credits credits needed no credit courses through the ownership of the name of credit did not pass the requirements to obtain credits credits credits needed
Public course
Innovation elective
Public elective
Integrated Development Elective
Courses and credits do not pass through the credits is not a warning
The total number of professional GPA GPA sum

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