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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-03 03:07



热心网友 时间:2023-10-08 19:33

"This research on some germanium high-tech instrial projects as the object of study, because of its development process and advice of the construction projects, and environmental impact that needs to be done to amplifying the report. The report content to amplifying the prediction include additional risk assessment of the environment and environmental protection and environmental impact and analysis, prevention and control and environmental protection measures that the environmental impact supplement to review the project area analysis, social, economic and environmental situation, construction project analysis, construction and transportation business at present, the construction projects, as well as the right. The influence that will happen in the future, according to the forecast. Through the review analysis and evaluation for the construction of environmental effects, and that the environmental impact the risk, environmental protection and economic input and environmental monitoring plan, the discharge standards and clean proction, the sustainability of environmental protection.追问这么快???是在线翻译的吗???

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