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写一篇以My Mother为题的英语作文

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-03 08:01



热心网友 时间:2023-10-15 15:54

My mother
My mother is an English teacher and she likes listening to English radio and reading English newspaper. She always gets up early in the morning. She washes her face and has breakfast, then she hurriedly goes to school. She does morning exercises with her students. Next, she has one or two English lessons. In the afternoon, she helps some students with their English. Finally, she goes home at five o’clock. She marks the student’s homework at home and she always. tired everyday. I love my mother and I hope she can just relax at the weekend.

Spring Festival's Eve
Spring Festival's Eve is the last night in the last month of lunar calendar next to Spring Festival Day,the First Day of New Year. Chuxi,the Chinese name of Spring Festival's Eve,means the old year past and we will greet the new by the turn of year. During all festival,the activities or celebrations focus on praying for Good Fortunes and getting rid of Bad Fortunes.

In ancient China's Zhou and Qin Dynasty,when it came to Lunar New Year,Royal Palace would have a ritual named Danuo,to drive away ghost and bad luck of illness and disaster,it was also called "Zhuchu(to drive away)". People called the day before Spring Festival's Eve Before-Year's Night,so the Spring Festival's Eve constantly is Year's Night.

The Spring Festival's Eve is a most lingered night. In this warm eve,when night coming,youngsters handle a stick of incense to ignite the firecrackers,a child plugs up his ear by one hand and leans to ignite the fireworks by another,other children cover their ears aside to wait fireworks' happy bang impatiently. Although some senior citizens are old, they still could remember what a beautiful spring festival they had in their childhood.
To have a family super,make sacrifice and stay up a whole night for greeting new year's coming are the main three activities in the Spring Festival Eve.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-15 15:54

Spring Festival's Eve is the last night in the last month of lunar calendar next to Spring Festival Day,the First Day of New Year. Chuxi,the Chinese name of Spring Festival's Eve,means the old year past and we will greet the new by the turn of year. During all festival,the activities or celebrations focus on praying for Good Fortunes and getting rid of Bad Fortunes.
In ancient China's Zhou and Qin Dynasty,when it came to Lunar New Year,Royal Palace would have a ritual named Danuo,to drive away ghost and bad luck of illness and disaster,it was also called "Zhuchu(to drive away)". People called the day before Spring Festival's Eve Before-Year's Night,so the Spring Festival's Eve constantly is Year's Night.
The Spring Festival's Eve is a most lingered night. In this warm eve,when night coming,youngsters handle a stick of incense(香)to ignite(点燃) the firecrackers,a child plugs up his ear by one hand and leans to ignite the fireworks by another,other children cover their ears aside to wait fireworks' happy bang impatiently. Although some senior citizens are old, they still could remember what a beautiful spring festival they had in their childhood.
To have a family super,make sacrifice and stay up a whole night for greeting new year's coming are the main three activities in the Spring Festival Eve.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-15 15:55

除夕夜Spring Festival's Eve
Spring Festival's Eve is the last night in the last month of lunar calendar next to Spring Festival Day,the First Day of New Year. Chuxi,the Chinese name of Spring Festival's Eve,means the old year past and we will greet the new by the turn of year. During all festival,the activities or celebrations focus on praying for Good Fortunes and getting rid of Bad Fortunes.
In ancient China's Zhou and Qin Dynasty,when it came to Lunar New Year,Royal Palace would have a ritual named Danuo,to drive away ghost and bad luck of illness and disaster,it was also called "Zhuchu(to drive away)". People called the day before Spring Festival's Eve Before-Year's Night,so the Spring Festival's Eve constantly is Year's Night.
The Spring Festival's Eve is a most lingered night. In this warm eve,when night coming,youngsters handle a stick of incense(香)to ignite(点燃) the firecrackers,a child plugs up his ear by one hand and leans to ignite the fireworks by another,other children cover their ears aside to wait fireworks' happy bang impatiently. Although some senior citizens are old, they still could remember what a beautiful spring festival they had in their childhood.
To have a family super,make sacrifice and stay up a whole night for greeting new year's coming are the main three activities in the Spring Festival Eve.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-15 15:55

Spring Festival's Eve
Spring Festival's Eve is the last night in the last month of lunar calendar next to Spring Festival Day,the First Day of New Year. Chuxi,the Chinese name of Spring Festival's Eve,means the old year past and we will greet the new by the turn of year. During all festival,the activities or celebrations focus on praying for Good Fortunes and getting rid of Bad Fortunes.
In ancient China's Zhou and Qin Dynasty,when it came to Lunar New Year,Royal Palace would have a ritual named Danuo,to drive away ghost and bad luck of illness and disaster,it was also called "Zhuchu(to drive away)". People called the day before Spring Festival's Eve Before-Year's Night,so the Spring Festival's Eve constantly is Year's Night.
The Spring Festival's Eve is a most lingered night. In this warm eve,when night coming,youngsters handle a stick of incense(香)to ignite(点燃) the firecrackers,a child plugs up his ear by one hand and leans to ignite the fireworks by another,other children cover their ears aside to wait fireworks' happy bang impatiently. Although some senior citizens are old, they still could remember what a beautiful spring festival they had in their childhood.
To have a family super,make sacrifice and stay up a whole night for greeting new year's coming are the main three activities in the Spring Festival Eve.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-15 15:56

My mother
My mother is an English teacher and she likes listening to English radio and reading English newspaper. She always gets up early in the morning. She washes her face and has breakfast, then she hurriedly goes to school. She does morning exercises with her students. Next, she has one or two English lessons. In the afternoon, she helps some students with their English. Finally, she goes home at five o’clock. She marks the student’s homework at home and she always. tired everyday. I love my mother and I hope she can just relax at the weekend.


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