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Thought of Marriage in Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice

发布网友 发布时间:2024-04-18 09:59



热心网友 时间:2024-08-10 07:38

"Pride and Prejudice" a well-known British writer Jane thing. Austin representative. Works describe the arrogance of single young Darcy and Miss Elizabeth the Second bias, wealthy singles Bingley and Jane eldest virtue of the feelings of disputes between the full expression of the author's own marriage, emphasizing the economic benefits of the appointment of Love and the impact of marriage.

What is marriage? Since ancient times people are exploring, but none has been to find an answer, it should be said there is no single argument. Indeed, marriage has always been good or bad has a lot of subjective factors. Outsiders seems painful marriage the parties may feel extremely happy, let them, outsiders seem happy marriage, the parties may have made the suffering. Jane. Austin, in her "Pride and Prejudice" in the show give her marriage to demonstrate her views on marriage.

Money and love in the achievements of both marital important one and should not care! However, compared to the achievements of marriage for love is more important on some!

"Pride and Prejudice" in describing a variety of marriage, Jane and Bingley, Darcy and Elizabeth, Wickham and Lydia, and Charlotte Collins, pastor. Lucas ... .... Charlotte and Lydia on behalf of two extremes, the former only the pursuit of "reliable storage room, the future will not be cold by the hunger": the latter is purely for sexual impulse, totally unmindful of the consequences.Charlotte has been through the marriage house, small yard, furniture and other furnishings of a comfortable small home, but ironically, in her happy life after marriage but not the husband's status. "As long as Collins forgotten, and the rest everything is harmonious and comfortable," Lydia was a little girl confused by the rhetoric of Wickham, Wickham Living as one with no thought of the future life would be no protection.Wickham Darcy through marriage to extort at least £ 10,000 a property. Their married life, the authors do not describe too much, so we can not imagine life without love What is the. Marriage is based on love, no love, a rare happy marriage.

Darcy's cousin Colonel Fitzwilliam is a count of the younger son can not inherit family property and title, but also one of Elizabeth's爱慕者, he frankly said to Elizabeth, who are accustomed to spending their own, in the event of marriage can not but consider the money . He said that the question of marriage there is only a conditional Darcy from the constraints of money free to choose. Darcy also because in terms of money and social status has the very advantage of him become so arrogant and his arrogance so Elizabeth has this bias against him.Darcy so the first time to propose to Elizabeth to be outrightly ruled out the possibility of. Elizabeth will not be because he was very rich and would marry him, no love, she would prefer not to marry, so she refused to Collins, the latter are refuse Darcy. "No love can be tens of millions should not get married," This is the view of Elizabeth is also the author of Austin's view. Darcy was later changed in order to Elizabeth has always been the arrogance of their own, because he really fell in love with Elizabeth, and his own change, but also changed the views of Elizabeth to him, accepted him slowly, Fall in love with him. Finally get married.

Elizabeth can be said that Austin's own portrayal of the author, her marriage, through the Elizabeth we can watch one of the authors are not despise the kind of love, marriage, are opposed to no economic foundation of marriage. Money and love in the achievements of both marital important one and should not care! However, compared to the achievements of marriage for love is more important on some!






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