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发布网友 发布时间:2024-04-10 22:02



热心网友 时间:2024-04-11 06:39

Sacred Mountains fell down the mountain, Tibet Guilaibukan days, Pirates of the dream Guilaibukan film.

Chinese director Lu Chuan said, should be given the "Avatar" kneel down, I do not think; but "Pirates of the Dream of Space" (Inception), Chinese director and so was extremely ashamed of, because the expression of the theme of "Dreaming," the ancestors of foreigners implementation issues were fantastic display head. Film not only the obvious, "Butterfly Dream" and more "Zhuangzhou Xiao Meng fans Butterfly" that "fans" and the words and the "Zhuangzi" boldness of vision of heaven and earth swallowed. In short, is a "clip operation> visual impact> outlook story> background view of the world> people," the movie, sensory stimulation immense business, handling and extreme test.

This is probably the director Christopher Nolan's history on the screen one of the most devoted efforts, most of the story is of course the main reason for the dream. "Dream" is an ambiguous thing how, ah, unrestrained, unpredictable, just as "Hollywood's images of the last," Nolan show its mettle in the gorgeous stage. If there is no choice of course would be in a boring, so Nolan to dream of "infinite close to the reality of the curve" affixed to the reality, and then to "Touch" can control the dream, how audacious of the set!

Should lead to is of course the topic of so-called "visual feast" - the word is well spent after all. At first glance, there is no difference between the real world, is not "Alice", it should be noted two strange: 1, although realistic, but the U.S. was simply not true; 2, structural disorder, the U.S. is not too peace of mind. Feelings caused by this reason: the dream of space Teenage changing, just when you think finally woke up, in fact, still caught them, like a person's face and put on layers of modern people to their own mask. In particular, the collapse of the dream world: time, confusion, disorder of gravity, fall apart and float away ... ... In short, "Pirates of the dream space" than "2012" more from the true sense of the world to be destroyed, and destroyed more than a world beyond the pleasure of destruction ever a large disaster!

Nolan for the dreams and the photography, fine art, visual effects were used in the extreme, the only use of the casting is also called Shing Chuen, I know an actor, but better than the film's elements should constitute the key to even be called important, commander of armed forces is the editing operation. Significantly different from the reality of the dream has a clip rhythm, and when passing a dream, or wake up from the dream through time, editing is even more red in front. Bold blank space to the audience pondering not small, dare to deliberately avoided and believe you can only really understand the sense of sharp and resolute, the most delicate do not work.

And Steven Spielberg's kind of the most simple form of clips to illustrate the spirit of the story poles do not, "Pirates of the dream space" of the clip operation itself, jumped to the forefront of the screen to explain their ideas and express independent thinking, this incredible feeling ever, especially in the climax of successive layers of a dream world, the collapse of the clip, absolutely revolutionary! In contrast, "The Bourne Ultimatum 3" clip actually become a leap from that arrived at the horizon of the Monkey King, and "Pirates of the dream space" of the clip is no doubt thinking of the Buddha overlooking quiet.

Thus, the film sink into a controversy. ... ... Funny? Absolutely fun! However, more is retained in the heart of the picture, the story become secondary vulnerable groups. I understand that some viewers may feel after reading the nothingness, all right, "Pirates of the dream space" of the hero image but this is not a person, people, but those many pieces it - this kind of "nothingness" is hard to distinguish after Dreaming confusion between dream and reality. So the more you feel this emptiness, the more Mingnuo Lan success.

Previously come into contact with a considerable part of the film, can make the process of watching the films, we seek to more people and human nature, while "Pirates of the dream space" to focus tied to the dream and reality intertwined on, mental exhaustion of the same emotions are relatively detached, different dimension of excitement. This is "your heart" and "use their brains to see" the difference. In addition, if left to our creativity and execution is not surprising simply can not show the "zero gravity fighting," Tom Hardy humor acting cute dead; is that both directions can be explained by, and will inevitably lead to factions support are even looking at "perjury" to impose, and will ultimately result in mass audience to understand the outcome of the dispute, in fact, a compromise on the sequel to Nolan hidden rules of the open calculus. Unfortunately, we still obediently on the cover, I bet Leonardo in the end wake up the next three weeks of the article will not wake up springing up ... ...

Than being "a clown" plucking get rid of the Gotham City and "The Dark Knight", I love "Pirates of the dream space." The reason is simple, the film presented "Dreaming," the emptiness, confusion, in fact, reveal another layer of profound meaning: the realm of reality and non reality of the border in the end to distinguish or not distinguish better? Leonardo and Marion in the end can not wake up or wake up instead? Therefore involves a more philosophical question, the wise Fortunately, the ignorant fortunate? This point, regardless of the economic crisis, struggling under the American audience, or an interest in the body is almost down to absolute zero of Foreign Affairs following the Chinese audience, have great resonance.

Finally, in keeping with the principle of opera to people through some very low-level tips: Because the director deliberately blurred the border between reality and non reality, coupled seen "The Matrix" series, will preconceptions, so the general the audience is easy to fall into chaos. But as I said before, and "The Matrix" all non-reality reality is false and irrelevant, and "Pirates of the dream space" of the non-reality is in the role of well-designed and under the control of and ultimately counterproductive in reality, the fundamental view of the world different.

On this basis, "Pirates of the dream space" of the non-reality of the "folder" was initiated by the user of stolen dreams and I dream of the intruder stealing a total of, each affecting the binding mode, control and anti-control of the game, to stimulate stolen dreamers "consciousness" means the ultimate goal ... ..., full access to the collective unconscious of Jung's theory of psychology. Or even "Pirates of six groups + Actress + dream goal" seems to correspond to Jung's eight personality. As far beyond the scope of my knowledge, I also look forward to a professional answering for this to be grateful. (Complete success)

热心网友 时间:2024-04-11 06:43

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