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求翻译高手 跪求高手翻译

发布网友 发布时间:2024-04-12 00:53



热心网友 时间:2024-08-12 15:14

Apparel Web-based production management system Design and Implementation
---- Statement Management Module Design and Implementation
With the development of society, increasing the amount of information. Apparel production management tended to be more diversified, digital, information-based, thus making the birth of this production management system. Covers the development of the system in the process of clothing production耗料management, storage management finishing, finishing from production to management and team management, production management and management projects in the need to increase the provision of space. The full realization of information sharing and dynamic resource management, decision-making for the leadership of detailed, reliable basis.
Statements of management subsystem is the main function of the raw materials production management system to manage information, solve problems of manual records. These include statements of management fabric accessories, as well as statements of the management team management statements. The system using Visual Studio2005 (C #) development, the use of SQL Server 2005 database as a background, making a visual statement of the performance of the image data, easy to manage those who view the analysis.
After testing, the system required to complete the basic features, can effectively manage the information on the statements, but there is still room for improvement in deficiencies.

Key words: clothing production management system, Kymmene, Visual Studio 2005, SQL Server 2005
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