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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-06 06:39



热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 22:27

特许经营目前在世界范围内迅速发展,我国的特许经营企业也正处于快速发展阶段。在特许经营管理中,合同就是特许人对受许人的约束和控制。但是单方面依靠合同,在特许经营发展中暴露出许多其他问题。结合实际研究,论述在特许经验控制中除合同外的其他控制方法,并重点介绍培训所处的地位。特许经营的行业分布、产权分配、组织结构上的特点决定了其培训的必要性。Franchising in the world at present the rapid development of China's franchise business is also undergoing a very rapid development phase. In the franchise management, the contract is the franchisor of the person bound by Hsu and control. However, relying on a unilateral contract, franchise development, revealed a number of other issues. Light of actual research, discusses the experience in the licensing control, in addition to the contract other than control methods, and highlight the training position. Franchising instry, distribution, property distribution, the characteristics of the organizational structure determines the need for their training.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 22:28

Franchising in the world at present the rapid development of China's franchise business is also undergoing a very rapid development phase. In the franchise management, the contract is the franchisor of the person bound by Hsu and control. However, relying on a unilateral contract, franchise development, revealed a number of other issues. Light of actual research, discusses the experience in the licensing control, in addition to the contract other than control methods, and highlight the training position. Franchising instry, distribution, property distribution, the characteristics of the organizational structure determines the need for their training.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 22:28

Franchising has been developing very fast globally,and so as in our country.In franchising,the contract is the controls and constraints to franchisees.However,there are many problems appeared because people just rely on the contract.Except the contract,discuss other ways to control methods in franchising,and specify the importance of training.The instries,allocation of ownership and organizational structure of franchising decide the essentiality of training
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