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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-06 03:15



热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 13:45

my favorite fruit my favorite is lemon fruit. lemon is not very round, with a sharp point, is yellow. the latin species name citrus limon lemon. lemon juice can enhance memory, improve osteoporosis, a beauty effects, and so on. lemon juice or beverage preparation of important raw materials and manufacturing drugs, often trickle-down lemon juice to remove westerners eating again. used mainly for juice, fruits sometimes used as cooking, but the basic need for xiansi because too sour. fruits containing 5% citric acid were. containing 501.6 mg per litre lemon juice, vitamin c and citric acid were 49.88 grams. this is my favorite fruit.

我最喜欢的水果是柠檬。柠檬不是很圆,带一点尖,是*的。柠檬的拉丁种名为citrus limon。柠檬汁可以强化记忆力,改善骨质疏松,达到美容效果等等。柠檬汁还是调制鸡尾酒和制造饮料的重要原料,西方人吃鱼时常滴入柠檬汁以去除腥味。主要为榨汁用,果实有时也用做烹饪,但基本不用作鲜食,因为太酸。果实中含5%的柠檬酸。每升柠檬汁中含 501.6 毫克的维生素 c 和 49.88 克的柠檬酸。这就是我最喜欢的水果。

热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 13:45

like eating various kinds of fruits, but what I like most is apple. Apple is red, round, and juicy. It looks so nice and tastes so sweet. Almost everyone likes it. And it's also very cheap. We can buy it everywhere.
Apple is not only delicious, but also nutritious, because it contains the vitamins we need. Having apples everyday can make us healthy and wise. Just as saying goes," An apple a day keeps the doctors away.
What's more, apple can be made into many kinds of foods and drinks. For example, apple milk shake is so popular among people. It's so easy to make. Here is the list: First, peel three apples and cut them into pieces. Second, put the apples and ice cream into a blender, and then pour some milk into the blender. Next, turn on the blender, and the milk shake will be ready in two minutes. Finally, drink the milk shake. This is the last but the most delightful step.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 13:46

eauty effects, and so on. lemon juice or beverage preparation of important raw materials and manufacturing drugs, often trickle-down lemon juice to remove westerners eating again. used mainly for juice
, fruits sometimes used as cooking, but the basic need for xiansi because too sour. fruits containing 5% citric acid were. containing 501.6 mg per litre lemon juice,

热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 13:46

like eating various kinds of fruits, but what I like most is apple. Apple is red, round, and juicy. It looks so nice and tastes so sweet. Almost everyone likes it. And it's also very cheap. We can buy it everywhere.

Apple is not only delicious, but also nutritious, because it contains the vitamins we need. Having apples everyday can make us healthy and wise. Just as saying goes," An apple a day keeps the doctors away.
What's more, apple can be made into many kinds of foods and drinks. For example, apple milk shake is so popular among people. It's so easy to make. Here is the list: First, peel three apples and cut them into pieces. Second, put the apples and ice cream into a blender, and then pour some milk into the blender. Next, turn on the blender, and the milk shake will be ready in two minutes. Finally, drink the milk shake. This is the last but the most delightful step.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 13:47

I like eating all kinds of fruits, but my favorate fruit is watermelon. It looks round and tastes sweet. I usually like to eat it after lunch or supper.
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