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发布网友 发布时间:2024-04-21 04:14



热心网友 时间:2024-04-21 07:22


Hangzhou, the captial of Zhejiang, is one of the old imperial Cities in China; the others are Xi'an, Luoyang, Kaifeng, Nanjing and Beijing.

Marco Polo called Hangzhou the most distinguished and beautiful city in the world. The widely--traveled Venetian was fascinated with the spleendor of the huge edifices, the wide paved streets and the magnificient grounds along the shores of the Xihu, West Lake.He admired the people's friendiness, hospitality and peaceableness, their silken clothing and the women's valuable jewelry. In those days, Hangzhou had an estimated population of 1.6 million, and the city was a flourishing trade center.

In fact, Hangzhou is still one of the most beautiful destinations of a trip through China; and, like marco Polo, the visitor will be pleasantly surprised at the friendliness of the people of Hangzhou. It can be easily reached by train from Shanghai, but it is also possible to get there by plane from Beijing, Nanjing, Guangzhou and Hongkong.

Hangzhou lies in northern Zhejiang at the southern end of the Grand Ganal. The city is linked to Central China by an extensive network of canals. Population: 5.28 million.

Xihu, West lake

Xihu is in the western section of the city.

The lake covers an area of 566 km, its circumference is 15 km, its average depth 1.5m. Two dikes, Baidi and Sudi, divide the lake and make it possible to cross it. There are four small islands in West Lake: Gushan, Xiao Yingzhou, Hushan Tang and Ruangong Dun. There are 40 sights of interest in the Xihu vicinity. Three sides of the lake are surrounded by hills up to 400 m high, the fourth is bordered by the city.

The famous poet Su Dongpo, who was prefect of Hangzhou ring the Northern Song Dynasty, described the charming scenery of the Xihu in many of his poems.

During the Southern Song Dynasty, the West Lake area was part of the imperial residence. The emperors of the Qing Dynasty took pleasure in the Xihu and its grounds. Replicas of buildings and garden complexes can be found in Yihe Yuan, the Summer Place, in Beijing and the part of the imperial Residence in Chengde.

Xiao Yingzhou
Xiao Yingzhou island was laid out in 1607. It actually consists of just one embankment separating a small lake from the large West Lake and of paved walks, which divide it in quarters and meet at the center in a small island. The four small lakes are overgrown with lotus flowers. A visit ring July and August when the flowers are in bloom is especially attractive. Walking along the embankment past pavilions, terraces, rocks and many old trees gives an impression of the magic of the renowned West Lake. To the south is the Nine Arches Bridge, the island's major attraction.

Baochu Ta Pagoda (Baoshu Ta)

Baochu Ta is situated on top of 200-m-high Baoshi Shan, the Treasure mountain, north of Xihu lake. In earlier times, jade was reportedly found here and the mountain was named accordingly.

Baochu Ta was erected from 969---976 and was damaged and destroyed several times, but always rebuilt. The present structure is 45.3 m high and made of bricks. It was restored in 1933. The narrow pagoda belongs to the typical panorama of West Lake. It can be seen from afar and is a landmark of Hangzhou.
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