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发布网友 发布时间:2024-04-19 12:24



热心网友 时间:2024-05-12 08:44

In this paper, "Flower Drum Hai" and its history of the formation of the characteristics of the kind of dance, described in the new period, Jiangsu's "Flower Drum Hai" to maintain its original core on the basis of its charm from the dance vocabulary, use of props, as well as performance, and other forms of To enrich and improve the side in order to explore the description of "Flower Drum Hai" in the form of bold and innovative breakthroughs, so that a new era of art have aesthetic value. explaining "Hai An county flower-drum out" thereby. And and pass the main body of a book exploration and study Hai An county flower-drum finding that disregarding Hai An county flower-drum be still the new period being tradition, it's the characteristic performing a characteristic still has rich local culture, has become one kind of sign of the culture representing a local.

热心网友 时间:2024-05-12 08:45

In this paper, "Flower Drum Hai" and its history of the formation of the characteristics of the kind of dance, described in the new period, Jiangsu's "Flower Drum Hai" to maintain its original core on the basis of its charm from the dance vocabulary, use of props, as well as performance, and other forms of To enrich and improve the side in order to explore the description of "Flower Drum Hai" in the form of bold and innovative breakthroughs, so that a new era of art have aesthetic value. In this paper, through the exploration and study found that both the traditional Flower Drum MSC or MSC in the new era of Flower Drum, and its performance characteristics or is rich in local cultural characteristics, and representatives of the local culture has become a symbol.

热心网友 时间:2024-05-12 08:45

Dance the main body of a book is formed to "Hai An county flower-drum " historical origins and the person grows a characteristic , additionally, aspect such as wielding and performing a form from the dance vocabulary , prop enriches and improves on the Jiangsu "Hai An county flower-drum " basis having set forth the new period in keeping whose original core and their lingering charm,probe viewpoint being bold in making innovations , making that have new era art appreciation of the beauty value in in form bold breakthrough explaining "Hai An county flower-drum out" thereby. And and pass the main body of a book exploration and study Hai An county flower-drum finding that disregarding Hai An county flower-drum be still the new period being tradition, it's the characteristic performing a characteristic still has rich local culture, has become one kind of sign of the culture representing a local.

In this paper, "Flower Drum Hai" and its history of the formation of the characteristics of the kind of dance, described in the new period, Jiangsu's "Flower Drum Hai" to maintain its original core on the basis of its charm from the dance vocabulary, use of props, as well...


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I tnink you have no difficulty in passing the exam.

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在叫做新月的阶段,近侧完全笼罩在阴 影中。新月大约一个星期后,月亮处于它的第一个1/4,就像一个发光的半圆;另一个星期后,满月显示其完全明亮的近侧。一个星期之后,在它的最后一个1/4,月亮看起来又像一个半圆。每个农历月整个循环重复一次。当它比地球远离太阳时,月亮是满月;当它更近时,是新月...


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