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学生课程及成绩管理系统 摘要英文翻译

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-05 15:17



热心网友 时间:2022-05-07 21:48

This system is a student's course and result to manage system, it is one statures system in high school ecational administration management system.The main customer is student, teacher and managing person.The system was convenient the student select elective courses and check a cent.Convenience the teacher's teaching management and student's result record to go into.More important BE, the system was convenient the ecational administration of the school manage.The this system adoption MVC is three layers of modes of structures, will use the Struts and the Hibernate to handle page logic and the last long chemical engineering of object to make ring the period of developing.The development of this system has no pure usage JSP Servlet to carry on, but combined Struts and Hibernate, this is for making system of the structure is more clear to simplify development work in the meantime.The creation of student's course and result management system reced the inconvenience on the manpower consumedly, let the whole piece according to management more science reasonable.The place that this system has special features most is a backstage database to unify student's course and the result a management.The interface of system makes use of Dreamware software a creation, the backstage database Mysql probably is divided into a few forms as follows:Managing person's form, student information form, class information form, course information form, teacher information form, student's course and result information form. Who can translate bottom for me!Nasty!Many thanks to each big 侠 !!

热心网友 时间:2022-05-07 23:06

This system is a student curriculum and the result management system
management system, it is in a universities ecational administration
management system management system sub- system. The main user is the
student, the teacher and the manager. The system facilitated the
student to choose the class and to look up the minute. Has facilitated
teacher's teaching management and the student result input. The system
has more more importantly facilitated the school ecational
administration management. This system uses the MVC three overhead
constructions the patterns, can use Struts and Hibernate in the
performance history processes the page logic and the object lasting
work. This system development certainly not pure use JSP+Servlet
carries on, but was unified Struts and Hibernate, this was for clearly
cause the system the structure simultaneously to simplify the
development work. The student curriculum and the result management
system management system proction greatly reced in manpower
inconvenient, lets the entire data management more scientific be
reasonable. This system most has the characteristic the place is the
backstage database to the student curriculum and the result
unification management. The system contact surface is manufactures
using Dreamware software, backstage database Mysql probably divides
into following several tables: The manager shows, student information
table, class and grade information table, curriculum information
table, teacher information table, student curriculum and result
information table. Under who can help me to translate! Anxious! Thanks
fellow chivalrous people! !

热心网友 时间:2022-05-08 00:41


热心网友 时间:2022-05-08 02:32

一拳一拳打峰哥是什么歌_一拳一拳打峰哥歌曲介绍 网上办理这个准生证然后没有领取不知道点到哪了然后就没法再领取 绿油油的叠词是什么? 什么的小溪叠词填空 硅胶礼品特性 华东理工大学长江学院是一本吗 东华理工大学长江学院是公办还是民办大学 东华理工大学长江学院是一所... 模压硅胶制品如何成型的 东北理工大学长江学院是公办还是民办 东华理工大学长江学院是几本大学 网吧计费管理系统 英文摘要 高校固定资产管理系统的系统摘要 有木马病毒的文件能不能直接删除 中印领土争端主要集中在哪些地区 在藏南地区中国实际控制线就是书本地图上国际分界线吗? 中印战争后,中国有没有从59年实控线向后撤退二十公里 关于中印实际控制线 海上狼人杀怎么搜索房间。 上、下察隅等地真的被印度实际控制吗? 苹果手机下载狼人杀开着网显示无法连接怎么办? 狼人杀娱乐模式怎么搜索房间? 海上狼人杀怎么重新连接 狼人杀在应用宝下架了吗? 达州到渠县火车票 哪位大神有饭局狼人杀的百度云链接? 我买K|1387郑州至重庆西能从漯河火车站上车吗? 狼人杀里面怎么搜索房间号密码 平顶山至襄阳的K1387次经过哪些站? 英雄联盟JY的狼人杀在哪里看啊?直播什么时候能看啊。以前的在哪里能看啊。怎么找都找不到。 请问k1387从郑州到达州,可以在漯河上车吗 再求1篇关于操作系统的摘要 计算机论文引言和摘要主要写什么比较有,有范文不?谢谢提供哟 喝纽崔莱蛋白粉会不会长胖? 吃纽崔莱益源牌蛋白粉会胖吗 请问安利纽崔莱蛋白粉吃了会发胖吗? 吃纽崔莱蛋白粉会长胖吗 吃多纽崔莱蛋白质粉会发胖吗?? 纽崔莱益源牌蛋白粉能增肥吗 纽崔莱蛋白粉能长胖吗 安利纽崔莱蛋白粉,VE,倍力健等吃了会不会肥 吃安利纽崔莱蛋白粉能增肥吗? 安利蛋白粉有激素吗。吃了会长胖吗 请吃过的朋友回答。 我是健身才想买的。对肌肉增长有效吗 吃纽崔莱蛋白质粉可以减肥吗? 乐源手表和小天才那个好 三亚美高梅度假酒店什么时候建立的 家乡主题幻灯片背景音乐 三亚凤凰国际机场到三亚美高梅度假酒店怎么走 亚龙湾热带天堂森林公园到三亚美高梅度假酒店怎么走 跪求~做了个家乡的视频,不知道用什么样的背景音乐,给介绍些吧!谢啦!!!!!!请把歌名写上~ 要做一个魅力家乡的ppt,我家是山东的,用什么歌曲好呢?用什么景点好呢?