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发布网友 发布时间:2024-03-04 15:55



热心网友 时间:2024-03-08 06:01

【Dear Roger:
I am one of your new fans.
Strange to think, I know you, I fell in love with you, not even to give you countless Wimbledon glory, nor is it in your IV, is now the trophy five times in Flushing, even at the local Chinese Masters Cup, but tennis is often not taken seriously the Olympic Games. But then I realized you witness the eight-year Olympic dream, and that was it not a great honor for me?
Even if I only had a short span of three months of your fans, but I am sure that you have is my God. U.S. finals, the early hours of the day how good it seems to be enveloped by the warmth of the sun; and the just-concluded Masters Cup, the final group match, I see you call a moratorium on medical 4th, I see you lie on the floor I see you sweat great drops of large drops to fall, was only felt pain, cold drowning in a sea of pain. Roger, I thought you would race back, but you insist on down, even to save a 6-point game, I really feel that hard to believe. See you in the official network of message, to see you told us Thank you, I was very moved. Yes, even if you lost the number one position in the world, even if you did not win Wimbledon, even if you do not have to enter the Masters Cup semi-finals, but you still my, our King Roger.
At that time, watch the game, I feel great fluctuations. If I then, at the scene, I doubt I will be washed up on himself to go, I want you to ask, then why is the pain still persist? Why is that in the end? The more you slow the pace, you have more shortness of breath, but why I like to see the stars, then the United States, so bright, will never fade away. Roger, I seem to understand the na, you are honor in the field, you are fighting for us, you are fighting for their own, because you are the stars, the brightest horizon heart of the stars! You asked me how do you not love such a dedicated person! Such a perfect person! You once again demonstrated to the world's number one style in the world, there is only one number, and that is you - Roger. And we, like the stars in the universe for many small, light-emitting efforts, and strive to love you, I am confident that you will see that our right.
We have so many of you to accompany the star of this big stars, we have witnessed in the future to accompany you every success and failure, every low tide and high tide, each time with a brilliant bleak, we always accompany you, you will not feel Lonely, right?
You are my strength in difficult times to face up to strength.
You are my beliefs, in pursuit of a dream in the process of supreme faith.
You are my hope, I hope to face tomorrow!
Love you, love ... ...

You would like to healthy and happy. ]
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