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发布网友 发布时间:2024-03-11 22:56



热心网友 时间:2024-03-19 04:38

Problems with My Apartment

They say there's no place like home. In my case, that is probably a good thing. My apartment has given me nothing but headaches. From the day I signed the lease, I've had to deal with an uncooperative landlord, an incompetent janitor , and inconsiderate neighbors.

First of all, my landlord has been uncooperative since the first day I moved to the apartment. He didn't let me bring my fish into the aparment. He said that pet is not allowed eventhough it's just a fish. Because of that, I must leave my fish in my parents's house. He also forbids me from using water from 9AM until 3 PM. Because of that, I must wake up at 7AM everyday to take a bath. Of course I complained this to him but, he said that that is the aparment's rule. Before I bought the aparment, he didn't say that there are some rules in the aparment.

I've had problem not only with my landlord but also with an incompetent janitor. The janitor is a retired policeman. He tried to fix the pipe in the aparment but, he flooded the apartment. He also break my air conditioner when he tried to fix it. Because of that, my apartment become as hot as desert every afternoon. Not only that, he also broke my antique vase that costed me USD100. Worst of all, when he pluged his USB flash disk into my laptop to copy my songs , the viruses from his flash disk spread into my laptop. I must format my laptop. Because of that, all of my important documents are gone.

Perharps the worst hassle of all has been with the inconsiderate neighbors who live in the apartment above me. My neighbors are two university's student. They have lived upstairs for about 1 year. But, they like to party so, I can't sleep. This not happened only once but, every Saturday night. I tried to speak to them but, they suggested me to put ear plugs when I'm about to sleep. Worst of all, they always turned the volume of the music into maximum.

Sometimes, my apartment seems like a small, friendly oasis surrounded...
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