发布时间:2024-03-11 06:24
时间:2024-04-23 13:57
越狱中不幸挂掉同志一览表 (转贴+简单翻译),增加一些翻译
一位叫Kir20 的筒子发的。
just bumping the list up
It was called: So how many people do you think.....and if you count Pope's son Will it is 46 people, 2 animals, and multiple body parts, including 2 toes, an eyeball, a hand, and Abruzzi's hair. :o
My list of the dead and the responsible party:
Season One dead people:
01)Corspe who would be Steadman
(VP & Company responsible - to coverup Ecofield indictment)
02)Crab Simmons (KMAN/CR - to prevent testifying for Linc)
受害者2号:Linc的债主,( K哥和副总统)。[电视里没明说吧,露了几小下脸就挂了]
03)Bishop MacMarrow (KMAN/CR - to prevent risk of clemency from the Governor)
受害者3号:主教,( ,( K哥和副总统)。 [不畏威胁丢了命,早知SARA的老爸是强硬派,何必多害一条命呢,罪过罪过!]
04)Inmate Tbag killed at start of race riot (TBAG)
狱友 (T BAG在种族*开始时卡嚓掉的)。[不知道是哪个倒霉鬼]
05)Maytag (random kill in race riots)
一开始拽T Bag 口袋的那个小子?(种族*时中流刀牺牲)。[好像是个黑人干的吧,害得Micheal背黑锅]。
06)Lettitia Barris (KMAN/Hale - to prevent her signed testimony to V)
可怜的债主的女朋友,(K哥和搭档)。 [注定要成为牺牲品]
07)Bob, the new CO (TBAG - ring the Riots; he saw too much)
菜鸟狱警, (T BAG)。 [杀人不眨眼]。
08)Turk, inmate (accidentally slipped/fell trying to kill Linc)
土耳其大个 [想杀LINC,出?未捷身先死,想杀死主角之一,不想混了,OUT!-编
09)Stroker, inmate who attacked Sara in Riots (killed by Natl Guard)
犯人某, (被狙击手打死)。[是那个*舌头的恶心鬼吧,该死,敢对我们SARA做这
10)unknown # of inmates killed in lockdown Riots
(by other inmates or Natl Guard retaking prison block)
犯人某某。(死于监狱*) [略过]。
11)Lukasz - the super to V's apartment (KMAN/HALE - killed in explosion set to murder V & Nick)
12)Lisa Rix (HALE - killed in attempt to get LJ)
LJ 的妈妈 (K哥的搭档)。[LINC是个扫帚星?可怜他的亲人没一个有好下场的]。
13)Adrian Rix - Lisa's husband (KMAN - killed attempting to protect LJ)
LJ的继父, (K哥)。[虽然不喜欢LJ,其实是个好人呢,K哥,你已经杀了太多人了,
14)Seth - young inmate Tbag preyed upon (suicided because of TBAG's attentions)
T Bag的可怜的新猎物,Just a kid! (T BAG)。[求助无们,只有以死解脱,Micheal,你也应该负点责任啊]。
15)Sebastian Balfour, Veronica's fiancee (QUINN/Company)
V的前未婚夫,(QUINN光头杀手). [倒霉蛋一号。不但最后关 头被女友悔婚,还莫名
16)Daniel Hale - Kellerman's Secret Service parnter
(KMAN - for contacting V to turn over evidence)
17)James Bagwell, tbag's cousin (ABRUZZI mob kill - oops)
18)James Bagwell's son (ABRUZZI mob kill - oops)
T Bag的表兄和侄子。(A叔的另一宗罪孽)。[忘记了是因为什么?]
19)unknown DOC guard1 driving prison van taking Linc to LJ
(KMAN arranged accident to kill Burrows)
20)unknown DOC guard2 in prison van (KMAN arranged accident to kill Burrows)
狱警甲乙,押解LINC途中被撞翻车,(K哥)。[又多俩条人命,it's just the order!]
21)Nick Savrin - death penalty lawyer helping Veronica
(ABRUZZI mob kill - for not bringing V to the getaway plane)
22)Nick Savrin's dad (ABRUZZI mob kill)
终极正义?NICK ,(A叔)。[老挨*的帅哥,最终没能救了自己,也没能救了老爸。]
23)Charles Westmoreland aka DB Cooper(wounded in fight when Belleck found tunnel, bled out)
DB COOPER , (长了一身横肉的BELLECK)。[悲情的大叔,最后几步,终于没能支撑住。]
24) President Mills - original President
(CR/KMAN arranged - to keep in power inspite of Company)
总统, (K哥和副总统)。
25)Will (Henry Pope's son) killed in an accident
不然这戏就没法演了。“I put you under my wing, treated you as my own son” 大概意思吧,
第17集,你还是爱Micheal的,5555555,从此成为你的BIG FAN]。
other mentioned dead:
- Marilyn the cat (BELLECK)
- Electrocuted Rat (Michael's first kill)
- Michael 2 Toes (Abruzzi)
- Steadman's teeth (The company)
- Tbag's hand (Abruzzi)
- Fiorelli's eyeball (Abruzzi)
- Abruzzi's long hair (?)
D大叔的猫, (队长)。[你也太缺德了吧,活该有报应。]
触电的老鼠, (MICHAEL的第一次杀生)。[还会有第二次吗?]
MICHAEL的两脚趾, (A叔)。
总统弟弟的牙。 (为尸体牺牲)。
T BAG 的手, (A叔)。[TBAG你低估了A叔了]。
A 叔的长发? [是谁干的?]
Season Two dead people:
25)Veronica Donovan (COMPANY - for finding Steadman)
26)Dr. Gudat who fixed the severed hand (TBAG)
27)the corpse under Mahone's bird bath aka Oscar Shales (Mahone)
28)Abruzzi (MAHONE - Company orders)
29)Governor Tancredi (COMPANY - making inquiries; smuggling out evidence)
30)Tweener (MAHONE - company orders)
31)Kelly Foster-gunned down at public phone mistaken id (COMPANY)
32)Agent1 protecting Aldo (killed by Company spy)
33)Agent2 protecting Aldo (killed by Company spy)
34)The Company spy sent to kill burrows trifecta(JANE)
35)Roy Geary (TBAG)
36)Michael's foster dad when he was 10 (Aldo Burrows - flashback)
37)Aldo Burrows (MAHONE)
38)Bar vetran w/ prosthetic hand (TBAG)
39)Denise, a postal worker (TBAG)
40)Sucre's pilot (accidental - bad parachute)
41)terrence steadmen (or john doe as prisneyland will know him)
42)bugspray blonde agent (killed at the hands of mahone)
43)agents that kman killed at steadmens house when kidnapping him (how many
were there? 2 ?)
44)haywire (Mahone-company orders)
45)sashas dad (Haywire)
46) agent kman shot, outside cigar club (Kellerman)
Also terminated in season 2:
- one mini Taj Mahal (by Pope)
- 3 jobs: Belleck's, Sara's, & Pope's (by the D.O.C.)
- one grey Honda (exploded by Scofield)
- one classic Motorcycle (crashed into river by Scofield)
- multipe cars in multiple crashes (all sides)
- one airplane (Border patrol flight)
- Kellerman's chest hair (Sara wielding a hot iron!)[/color] (Kelleman的胸毛,Sara
时间:2024-04-23 13:57
时间:2024-04-23 13:57