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发布网友 发布时间:2024-03-03 23:36



热心网友 时间:2024-03-07 09:03

Enterprise purchasing department of business quality and efficiency directly related to the discretion of the production costs, thus affect the enterprise market competitiveness, and therefore make good purchasing information management work is related to the survival and development of enterprises.
In enterprise procurement, purchasing information is important and complex information, it includes material manufacturer information and material price information and so on, material production manufacturers association offers a variety of material, at the same time a material also can have multiple manufacturer production, a manufacturer in different period of transactions will have different conditions, and some material in different times and different prices. So, purchasing plan work is an was slow and arduous work, purchasing staff often because analysis without effective and wrong orders, brings to the enterprise unnecessary losses. Therefore, an effective enterprise procurement management information system can greatly improve the working efficiency of the enterprises purchase department and reduce costs. This paper first from purchasing and purchasing tube ?
Keywords: management information system, enterprise procurement, enterprise procurement management, enterprise procurement management information system

热心网友 时间:2024-03-07 09:09

Enterprise purchasing department of business quality and efficiency directly related to the discretion of the production costs, thus affect the enterprise market competitiveness, and therefore make good purchasing information management work is related to the survival and development of enterprises.

In enterprise procurement, purchasing information is important and complex information, it includes material manufacturer information and material price information and so on, material production manufacturers association offers a variety of material, at the same time a material also can have multiple manufacturer production, a manufacturer in different period of transactions will have different conditions, and some material in different times and different prices. So, purchasing plan work is an was slow and arduous work, purchasing staff often because analysis without effective and wrong orders, brings to the enterprise unnecessary losses. Therefore, an effective enterprise procurement management information system can greatly improve the working efficiency of the enterprises purchase department and reduce costs. This paper first purchase and purchasing management from the basic meaning of introduction and analysis procurement and purchasing management in enterprise normal operation and the role of status. Through the introduction of the management information system of enterprises under the purchasing and supply management development condition, puts forward the current domestic and international enterprise procurement management information system of the problems and challenges, and analyses the management information system of enterprises under the purchasing management development strategy.

Keywords: management information system, enterprise procurement, enterprise procurement management, enterprise procurement management information system
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