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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-05 13:47



热心网友 时间:2022-06-27 14:11

i want love

I want a cup that overflows with love
Although it's not enough to fill my heart
I want a barrel full of love
Although I know it's not enough to fill my heart
Want a river full of love, but then
I know the holes will still remain
I need an ocean full of love
Although I know the holes will still remain
And this Swiss cheese heart knows
Only kindness can fill its holes
Love can dry my tears
As pain disappears
I need a miracle and not someone's charity
One drop of love from him
And my heart's in ecstacy
The high that is sending me
Is most likely ending me
I need a miracle and not someone's charity now

Fill up my heart with love
Oh you'd be amazed at how little I need from him
To feel complete here and now
Stirring within me are these feelings I can't ignore
I need a miracle and that's what I'm hoping for
I need a miracle and not someone's charity
One drop of love from him
And my heart's in ecstacy
The high that is sending me
Is most likely ending me
I need a miracle and not someone's charity now

Anybody's love but his will never fill this space within me
Now doctor give me what I need, to free my heart from misery

"Love Me With All Your Heart"

Love me with all of your heart
That's all I want, love
Love me with all of your heart
Or not at all
Just promise me this
That all you'll give me
All your kisses
Every winter
Every summer
Every fall

When we are far apart
Or when you're near me
Love me with all of your heart
As I love you
Don't give me your love
For a moment
Or an hour
Love me always
As you loved me
From the start
With every beat of your heart
With every beat of your heart


Es tu palpitar
Es tu vara
Es tu pelo
Son tus besos
Me estremezco... a-a-ah

When we are far apart
Or when you're near me
Love me with all of your heart
As I love you
Don't give me your love
For a moment
Or an hour
Love me always
As you loved me
From the start
When we are far apart
Or when you're near me
Love me with all of your heart
As I love you
Don't give me your love
For a moment
Or an hour
Love me always
As you loved me
From the start
With every beat of your heart
With every beat of your heart
With every beat of your heart
With every beatof your heart
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