发布时间:2024-03-18 20:02
时间:2024-12-05 06:44
购物胶袋环保征费的建议方案 问题所在 中国香港正面对严峻的固体废物问题。现时每日有超过二千三百万个购物胶袋被弃置于堆填区,即每人每日平均弃置多于三个购物胶袋,数目远超海外其他地方。因此,我们必须根据『污染者自付』的原则开征环保费,以提供直接经济诱因,鼓励市民减少使用购物胶袋。 *** 方面 自愿性「减发胶袋目标协议」及「无胶袋日」活动虽然提高了市民的环保意识,但相比起滥用购物胶袋的严重情况,这些自愿性措施实质减少购物胶袋的数目仍然有限。环保署建议以循序渐进的模式,分阶段实行环保征费。首阶段将会禁止连锁式或大型的超级市场、便利店及个人健康和美容产品零售店免费派发购物胶袋,该类零售店要向顾客收取每个购物胶袋五角的环保费。 *** 建议征收五角的环保费,是平衡了市民的接受程度和有效的经济诱因;一方面鼓励顾客先想想是否有实际需要才索取购物胶袋,另一方面亦鼓励市民经常自备购物袋,因此举较每次索取购物胶袋并缴付环保费化算。 市民方面 二○○六年进行的一项*调查显示,约九成的被访者同意日常生活中有减少使用购物胶袋的空间;而超过八成五的被访者表示收取五角的环保税后会减少使用购物胶袋。 *** 建议征收五角的环保费,是平衡了市民的接受程度和有效的经济诱因;一方面鼓励顾客先想想是否有实际需要才索取购物胶袋,另一方面亦鼓励市民经常自备购物袋,因此举较每次索取购物胶袋并缴付环保费化算。 推行效益 市民自备购物袋除可省却环保费外,同时亦有助保护环境。环保署预计征收五角的环保费可以令每年的购物胶袋使用量减少约十亿个,相当于计划涵盖的零售商店购物胶袋使用量的五成。 平衡点: 市民(各阶层)的负担能力 市民生活的影响 各行业的影响(包括零售业、胶袋制造业/供应商) 环境的正面影响 指标: 实际胶袋使用量减少的数字 实际各阶层/行业排污费的减少的数字(日后将推行的措施) 各阶层/行业的额外支出 (两种情况 1.如使用习惯没有大变 / 2.使用习惯的改变在预计之内)
参考: 环境保护署及自己
推行环保: 1. 用环保袋
Government can make a law that every shop
shopping centres will not provide plastic bags or all days. ( instead of Sunday ) or can include Free 环保袋 for 市民 to use. E.G. If one staff or owner (市民) give out /say to give out plastic bags
that shop will need to be closed. 2. Do not *** oke: Government should make that *** oking even in street should be banned. Or control that No cigarettes packets can be imported to Hong Kong. Any市民 who *** oke will have to pay 10
000. 3. No chewing gums: Government should make that no chewing gums will be imported or made . Anybody who can get the chewing gum and leave it somewhere will have to pay 5000 and the chewing gum owner have to pay 10
000. E.G. If that 市民brought the chewing gum from else where in trip or something
the airport should make sure that nobody have/ eat a chewing gum on Hong Kong Flights like Dragonair or flights to Hong Kong. 4. Control how much *** oke/liquids(water) factories release and the density of the *** oke/liquids( how black or how 浓 or how poisoned the *** oke/liquids is) . All factories must be moved to somewhere where there are few people living there.(The few people will have to be moved to elsewhere) Make sure that all factories have moved even a very *** all factory. Government should check the trading of large lands. This is effective because places with lots of people will not be poluted and people will not be affected by the pollution. 5. Control cars' *** oke. The Government should make that every brand new cars should be checked of a very little *** oke value
and every year cars needed to be checked. They can have a list and people whom cars does not have a stamp will have to pay 10
000 . Every car which has too much *** oke will need to be destroyed. Thx!
参考: Think up myself
Geography lessons
电! 电是人的重要物品
then we will lose our convenient
参考: yahoo
市民环保意识还是不高﹐ *** 的决定可能使市民不便