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1,甲乙双方本着"资源共享,互惠互利,战略联盟,长远发展"的原则,请帮 ...

发布网友 发布时间:2024-05-29 12:36



热心网友 时间:2024-06-04 06:28

1, both parties in the "resource sharing, mutual benefit, strategic alliance, long-term development" principle, make full use of their resources to provide more quality for the society, convenient products and services, and constantly improve their core competitive ability.
2, under the same conditions, the parties shall give priority to each other and its subordinate enterprises as partners, and give priority to the products and services of the other party and its subordinate enterprises, and maximize the interests of both parties on the basis of the most favorable treatment.

热心网友 时间:2024-06-04 06:23

Abiding by the principle of "shared resources, mutual benefits & reciprocity, strategic alliance and long-term development", Party A and Party B should make full use of their own resource strengths and provide more excellent and convenient products and services for the society, thus consistently lifting their core competitive abilities.

In the same condition, both parties should choose the other party and its subsidiaries as their partners, and the products and services thereof shall be preferred to be used, thus maximizing mutual benefits based on the most favorable treatment to both parties.

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