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发布网友 发布时间:2024-05-29 13:05



热心网友 时间:2024-05-31 19:27


(1) Along with the constant improvement of the lighting projects of the cities and the development of the lighting technologies of the semiconductor, It has become a necessary trend of the development that illumination and decoration with LED lights are applied

(2) With the continuous improvement of the illumination projects of the city and the development of illumination technologies of the semiconductors. It has become an inevitable trend of the development to use LED lights to give illumination and decorations

(3) In the wake of the ceaseless improvement of the lighting projects of the city and the development of the lighting technologies of the
semiconductors. To utilize the lighting/ illumination and the decorations of LED lights has become an inexorable / irresistible tendency /trend of the development

(4) In pace with the unceaseing improvement of the urban lighting projects and the development of the lighting technology of the semiconductors.
It has become an irresistible / inevitable / inexorable trend /tendency of the development to make a use of the lighting and decoration of LED lights.

(5) It is considered an inexorable trend of the development that the illumination /lighting and decorations of the LED lights must be employed /applied in pace with / along with / in the wake of the ceaseless/ unceasing/ continuous improvement of te urban lighting projects and development of the lighting technology of the semiconductors.

热心网友 时间:2024-05-31 19:23


热心网友 时间:2024-05-31 19:29

With the contiously development of semi-conducter lighting technology and higher requirement of urban lightening engineering, it's been an irresistible trend that LED lights are used in illumination and decoration. LED lights can be used for various decoration effect through organic combination of control circuit.
The circuit fulfills the control of LED pipeline through SCM . The article discusses the design and developing plan of fulfillment of LED pipeline using SCM AT89C51. A complete design plan contains hardware design and software control. The article will illustrate in these 2 aspects.

The article contains 4 parts. First is LED features and plan design. Second is hardware circuit design. Third is software programming. The last is Proutes simulation.

热心网友 时间:2024-05-31 19:25

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