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发布网友 发布时间:2024-05-28 20:40



热心网友 时间:2024-06-10 04:44

您好:My family have a white dog, it was a long white hair, feels soft, like wearing a clean white sweater; a pair of big eyes go straight turn goo, like two black stones; top with small ears, flat nose, it is often very moist, grandma said it is the dog health performance; a pointed tail is very flexible, often kept shaking, but if you hurt the little white dog, it will "Wang Wangwang" to call, the tail was sandwiched in between the legs, really a bit like the book says, "turn tail and run". I most like to see the white dog food. One day, I took a piece of meat. White dog saw, I turned around. I put the meat to throw, white dog leaped, open your mouth a bite will prevail, and then it with his front paws holding teeth with meat, one point one point tear, eat really eat with appetite, while the belly. After that, it also with the tongue licking the mouth, as if in the aftertaste just dinner, you can also contribute to sleep is also very interesting to the little white dog. In warm weather, white dog loves lying on the ground to sleep, the front foot to stretch forward, hind leg back extension, or the legs move in the same direction lay in a comfortable. Winter has come, little white dog is afraid of cold, it laid my head buried in the legs, curled up asleep,. If happy little white dog, also fall sleep, stomach with breathing a drum a drum. White dog sleep wake up, will stretch. It put the front foot long stretch, then a deep breath, the body of a arch, very cute. My mother sometimes sitting in the living room to knit a sweater, one not careful, the wool on the floor, white dog ears move, on the lightning dash, flexible big eyes kept looking for. Then, once the body jump put the wool tightly hold, happy to play up, it is a moment to jump over, while jumping over, while the ball rolling to the left, while the ball roll to the right, but also his forepaws pat coil, like children playing ball, really interesting!

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