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发布网友 发布时间:2024-05-28 11:57



热心网友 时间:2024-05-28 14:29

A bid of a C Highway Construction Budget and construction design Abstract : the item as 312 National Road Huning of the expansion project in Changzhou tenders part Magazine mileage : (K145 - K150 +880 +950), the total length of 4.93 km. The construction plan budget statement on the construction of the first budget plan and the role of the basis, and a brief overview of the project. Highway engineering calculation of this project including the subgrade for the calculation (cross-sectional area of roadbed and subgrade earth side); Pavement Engineering Calculation; protection works and drainage works in engineering calculations. And a detailed list of construction; Toone use the software to calculate the construction budget plan. In addition, the highway construction cost estimate for the constitution, the relevant rules and measurement software with the hope that the use of description and. The construction design of the main contents are : expounded on the basis, scope, principles and engineering overview; Construction to determine the overall objective analysis of the general layout of the construction; elaborate preparations for the construction of the main elements; specify a special roadbed, the roadbed construction, road construction program structure; and a related project program. In addition, details of the project quality, time, the assurance of safety measures; Civilization Construction and environmental protection measures; Also on the hot, rainy, winter night, and other special construction techniques and measures introduced.

热心网友 时间:2024-05-28 14:23

Abstract: the project as a 312 national highway shanghai-nanjing period of expansion project of changzhou part of the contract, all mileage for: (K145 + 950 ~ K150 + 880), the span of 4.93 kilometers.
This engineering construction drawing budget manual firstly introduces the function and construction drawing budget compilation basis, and introduces the general situation of this project. In highway engineering calculation of the project including the calculation of roadbed project (roadbed cross-sectional area of calculation and roadbed calculation conditions); Pavement project computing; Protection engineering and drainage engineering the amount of calculation. For a detailed list of the project; Use of software engineering calculation with hope the construction drawing budget.
In addition, the cost composition of the highway engineering budget, the measurement of the rules and related with hope on the use of software instructions and introduced.
The main contents of the construction organization design are: expounds the compilation basis, scope, principles and engineering outline; To set the overall target of construction, this paper analyzes the construction of the overall layout content; Expounds the main content of the construction preparation; Specify the special roadbed treatment and filling roadbed construction scheme, pavement structure; And format the related engineering project schedule.
In addition, detailed introduces the engineering quality, time limit, safety measures to guarantee; Civilization construction and environmental protection measures; and Also, the heat, and the rainy season, the winter night, such as the special construction technical measures are introduced.

热心网友 时间:2024-05-28 14:26


热心网友 时间:2024-05-28 14:23

Some level of roads C sign section construction drawing budget andconstruction organization plan Abstract: This project took 312 federal highways Shanghai andNanjing section extension project Changzhou sign section a part,起讫 the course is: (K145+950 ~ K150+880), the span is 4.93kilometers. This project construction drawing budget instruction booklet firstintroduced the construction drawing budget function and theestablishment basis, and have summarized this project survey.Including carries on the roadbed resilience in the highway engineeringcomputation to this engineering project the computation (roadbed totraverse area computation and subgrade soil cubic meter of stonecomputation); Road surface resilience computation; Protection projectas well as dewatering excavation resilience computation. Juxtaposesthe detailed resilience detailed list; The use with looks software tocalculate this project construction drawing budget. In addition, to the highway engineering estimated cost composition,the correlation measurement rule and with looks software the use tocarry on the explanation and the introduction. This construction organization plan main content includes: Elaboratedthe establishment basis, the scope, the principle and the projectsurvey; The definite overall construction goal, has analyzed theconstruction general arrangement content; Elaborated the constructionpreparation main content; Specifically explained special constructionplan and so on subgrade treatment, roadbed reclamation, pavementstructure; And has arranged the correlation engineering projectprogress plan. In addition, in detail introduced this project quality, the time limitfor a project, the safe guarantee measure; Civilized construction andenvironmental protection measure; Separately to was also burning hot,the rainy season, the winter, at night and so on the specialconstruction technical measure has made the introduction.
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